...at her age I wanted to be a witch. She’ll be fine.
...at her age I wanted to be a witch. She’ll be fine.
Of course she knew. But the kid is happy and they got some free Taco Bell.
The BK Crown isn’t as sweet as the one everyone gets at Medieval Times.
I mean, I’m assuming she means when she becomes old enough to work and it’s only a part-time thing for spending money/saving for college, and not a long-term career choice.
Hell, I loved taco bell as a kid, and ultimately worked there in high school because I liked it. I left when I graduated, but yea it wasn’t too…
Give the kid a break. She’s only five.
All that merch she has on is sold on their site. Trust me, my son is OBSESSED with Taco Bell and I’ve been eyeballing some of that merch for bit.
The mother is definitely side eyed since she posted the original video and tagged Taco Bell. She knew what she was doing and the potential for exposure of her 4 year old to the internet as well as the corporation. This was not an accident.
Meh, when it comes to these sorts of things, I lean toward the side of the recipient. Sure, my cynical side tells me it’s likely a corporation taking advantage of a feel-good marketing opportunity*. In some other instances, the celebrity or other wealthy person donates to a charity to make themselves look good. But to…
For the love of god, man. Put in some “else if”s in there to reduce unnecessary execution steps, don’t forget your braces around the “then clauses”, and fix your damn spacing and variable naming to conform with standards (you can choose camelBack or snake_case, but choose one or the other).
it’s sad that nothing in my life nor anything i might want right now would make me as happy as she was opening a simple fast food restaurant gift card. good for her.
That is hilarious. Well done.
Ok, but still crappy. As an employer I wouldn’t have done it because at that wage level the payroll taxes wouldn’t be that much more. Also when cut an employee by $3/hr you’d be better off firing them. Their attitude toward work would plummet then you have call offs and shitty attitudes. Cutting someone’s pay is a…
Well, they were making that wage plus tips, so it’s not on-face illegal.
1. As a professional who aspires to start his own brewery yet has never worked in one, I would work for min wage to learn the way a taproom functions and operates, as the education is cashflow-positive vs me trying to do it with no knowledge whatsoever and potentially lose thousands of dollars. Any brewer will tell…
Thanks for the first-hand perspective. Work is work (no matter how “fun”), and should be paid for as such.
RE: Poor Pay
This looks like it has the perfect combination of top heavyness and height to be knocked over very easily. This would last approximately 15 minutes in my house until a dog, child, or unaware adult (me) ran into, shattering it into a million pieces.