Architects are notoriously egotistical. Well-played revenge by the temp.
Architects are notoriously egotistical. Well-played revenge by the temp.
One of THEEE best “I’m out” stories was that of a former boss’ husband who is a fairly well-known architect with a really well-known temper (he has a bit of Napoleon Complex) which contributed to the changing rotation of receptionists at his firm.
Is there a Sharkicane movie?
Idiots. Everyone with half-a-brain knows that sharks live in tornadoes, not hurricanes.
I think what he means is, when you go there, you have to give them your whole paycheck! Because everything is so expensive there. So if you think about it, it’s almost like “whole paycheck” would be a better name for the store because of how much you have to spend when you go there and then your paycheck is gone when…
oooh yeah “Bruno Mars Race Debate Week” has pretty much replaced Shark Week for me.
That joke’s barely good enough for one handle. Paper scissors rock, loser changes their name to “JoeBidenHisTime”.
My fav is def “why would you spend so much money as a joke?”
My favorite part of black twitter is every year when someone says bruno mars is a culture appropriator and a civil war breaks out
NO ONE is outraged by the taxes on that order?!
Never before has there been a better description of being Online.
But for the love of all that is holy, please, please take five seconds to determine if something is a joke before getting all self-righteous
This is all well and good. Yet you fail to answer the most pressing question:
Vegas? I Like to call it Las Wages.
The Washington Post has an article today to “debunk” the rumor that there are sharks in Hurricane Florence. People are really fucking dumb, what can you do?
Stefan invented the Whole Paycheck joke
Yay! I was hoping the bookstore lady would be here telling wonderful Keanu tales!
My brother met him studying in China and he said he was very polite and down to earth. He even spoke some Chinese to the students which is cool. I’m jealous.
I knew three different people lucky enough to have met Keanu years apart who had never met each other and I can confirm they each independently confirmed how genuinely nice he was to each of them (as if we ever expected something else anyway).