well his rebounds went up. haha
well his rebounds went up. haha
these replies to your comments are implying that russ has played with scrubs his whole career. lol.
i have been a bad husband before. and a bad boyfriend many times. perhaps even a bit of a dick when it comes to women I slept with. but I can go to my grave knowing ive never called a woman a pal. that’s gota count for something.
JIMMY G can and has done it.
they get slapped around when they dont make it to the super bowl as well. so it robs us of watching them be on the other side of bad luck.
as a native, i have always found this caricature way more offensive than the redskins name.
he shied away from that charge once he knew he fucked up.
i want to like russ. he just takes himself way too seriously so it was great watching him get punked by a guy that seems to enjoy the game.
so Jimmy G leads the niners to an undefeated season and beats brady in the super bowl. brady retires in shame. his legacy is losing to eli twice. 72 dolphins also jump off a cliff. Niners return to dominance. All is rite again in the world.
If I was a drinking man is still a great song. :(
I definitely agree on the sensitivity meter. My point was just on these half assed apologies everywhere. It’s rampant.
Yeah it’s really awful. Apologies are seen as a sign of weakness now.
Not everybody’s gona accept an apology. But these aren’t even apologies anymore. Not by Websters standards anyway
Are we past the days where people apologize sincerely? You never see “I was wrong” “we were wrong” anymore. It’s just I’m sorry YOU were offended. I’m sorry YOU found it divisive.
Dudes are more likely from fiu and Miami dade so they represent the Kendall area. 😂
If you present them with facts they immediately get defensive and pull the “my opinion” card out. They’re not interested in politics. They just want to “win”.
Wtf. Donald Duck is the man.
he’s prolly one of the 3 best players in the league but him AND his team would benefit so much from him playing off the ball more. hes a lot more comparable to mj than a lot of these other heirs to the throne but he is playing the wrong position.
It’s kind of like a modified underhand shot
The U is back!