
she was fantastic in the scene where she interviewed the victim, and in the few scenes that show her at Church

It never ceases to annoy me that people complain that Spotlight has no flash. Sorry if Rachel McAdams wasn't eating raw meat.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that his presence and his (to put it generously) controversial and very public personal life would have overwhelmed any discussion of the movie. Maybe not in the "critics bubble" you mentioned downthread but certainly in other arenas


there's no way this would have had any of the pre-release buzz or red hot critical reception with Gibson in the movie.

I would never! some of my best friends are women (lol)

in case you haven't noticed the last billion years, women are often held on a pedestal only to be torn down…

she's a woman.

100% agreed. many people have missed this point in order to vilify Eilis for her actions.

right. but the show went off the air 12 years ago.this discussion has been going on for like 20 years. the problem is that it's an old joke not an inaccurate one

Yeah it's a good impression

wow a joke about black people on Friends. cutting edge comedy right there.

this movie is right up my alley. I also want Dakota Johnson to have a good career

come on guys Top Five or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days!! But a pretty good list, touching all the bases of rom-com types

I liked this episode a lot, though I can't disagree with some of the critical points in the review. Marvin and Honey seem to defy every stereotype of older man with trophy wife

I think it comes from Marvin, who seems to do things without much repercussions. I doubt he ever had to be in someone's dog house for long

I always thought it was cock-play. I'm sure ass play does not need to be censored…?

Monster in Law is my favorite of the JLo comedies. she's pretty funny with Jane Fonda. And Wanda Skyes is boss

the fiance's line "a boring life is a privilege" was so funny to me. it's the most "white guy" phrase ever

that is an accurate explanation of the issue, yes.