
don't know the answers. but I do have a sinking feeling that Seyfried doesn't have anything fun to do. her place in the setup seems like it could easily be overlooked


come on #HATES is modern classic. A modern classic, dammit!!

Laura Dern is everything. I wept for her Oscar nomination for Wild. she can take any material and add depth and life to it.

ok I'm into it, seems right up my alley

this is a good movie and write up but I can't agree that Joan Fontaine was ever outshone by her leading men. She does play mousy "who? me?" types but she has an inner strength and resolve not to forget great screen presence. Sure maybe the male characters were more dynamic but she more than held her own.



yeahhhh I thought it was really weird. I mean it felt like one of those "no/yes" situations that Hollywood seems to think is a thing, where the woman says no because she has to in order to create tension but she means yes because it's a romantic subplot. I'm hoping that there's more to the relationship but the trailer

hahahaha my thoughts exactly!

For me, UKS has one major theme that touches each character/subplot: the devastating effects patriarchal oppression has on everyone. Obviously, Kimmy and the "mole women" are affected due to their kidnapping at the hands of a madman preacher and then also the victim-blaming/fetishizing that they received after being

yeah! at first I was like OMGMEGANBITCH. but I can see a lot of her doubt and frustration with her own choies. And it's a very sibling thing to do-perceive the other sibling as the privileged one. Patrick for all his faults does get to live his own life whereas Megan is trapped in that WASP Peninsula hell (I don't

I was hoping for Academy Award winner Julianne Moore (she did 30 Rock!)

I think Monroe is pretty good, she can go far. Loved both her films.

oh my god, I am convinced that she is LSG's daughter or at least clone. I don't care what anyone says.

for me, good horror is all about utilizing the power of suggestion. less is more. effective sound design. The Innocents, Repulsion—these 2 films really cash in on not showing a lot and they're scarier for it

Anna kendrick was also a highlight

here's the thing. I feel like straight people look at this show and think "oh it's about gay people, I can't relate to it." But what they don't reallize is that we've been waitching shows with straight people for decades and have been able to enjoy them. that's the problem with niche shows (and I think it applies to

Crash is overrated? doesn't almost everyone hate it?

best comment ever. no one should help anyone because it's too problematic