

lol big an ex-food service worker....I responded with the similar comment

I feel like you’ve lost your thread now. First you critiqued objectification in general and now the focus is degree of objectification. Your critique of choice feminism seems to only applies to other folks. Sex work isn’t some magically distinct category of work. It’s connected to the Capitalistic economic system like

Ehh I pretending that all feminist thought that makes room for sex work and open displays of sexuality with is choice feminism is a little disingenuous. In this case, I would agree that the article’s justification is theoretically baseless but some Radical Second Wave feminists fought pretty hard for a conceptions of

Why is exploitation only objectionable in the strip club and sweatshop setting? Gender and race based exploitation are both at the center of the Capitalist system.

No, that’s not what I was saying at all. I thought I was pretty clear that the focus on policy outcomes and accomplishments is incomplete and shortsighted. What you quoted from my previous comment is the end goal. It is not my expectations for the Obama Presidency or any presidency for that matter. I’m saying his

That’s a tough one. Years ago I probably would have said something along the lines of free universal college education, single payer healthcare, abolishing mandatory minimums, reversing sentencing disparities, prosecutorial reform, genuine attempts at prison rehabilitation, and an expansion of abortion and LGBTQ

Not at all. I’m saying Trump was mostly a response to a Black President. Any Black President would have been enough to set Trump supporters off. But yea my critiques were about Obama’s handling of this fact as well as his late response to his fact. We all remember McConnell and his line about his main purpose over the

thank you...i sincerely appreciate it...usually folks just ignore what i say lol

Haha exactly...the Sage Steel connection is so insightful... they aren’t  confused college students...they both are educated, employed, and famous sellouts who are responding to economic and social incentives to sell out....they know what they are doing....also 100% black unity is great, in theory, but, in reality,

also I have to push back against the notion that its the “democratic party’s” responsibility to “field a candidate worth a shit to succeed him, isnt his fault. Any progress he made that has/will be rolled back is the fault of a democratic party more worried about policing peoples thoughts and behavior than with

The second point to my critique is about results.

This isn’t about going far enough for me. He never challenged the roots of our government, national ideology or the systems of oppression that they are based on. Going far enough will never be a complaint for me. The man ran his campaign on him basically being the personification of American Exceptionalism, in effect

*Edit:Policing is about social control. You generally need to bust heads to do that.

“I’m not nearly as anti-cop as most people you find around here” 

“We can love that McCullough won and hate the answers that got her there. We can be happy to see her take that walk as Miss USA and be outraged that someone with her politics will now have a magnified platform.

still haven’t been able to convince myself to watch the last episode

dammit same joke

We talkin’ at its peak or....currently?

Black men are definitely potential allies for feminist causes but I think Black women or at least referencing Black women’s experiences do a better job at conveying the intersection between race and gender (The Contract and Domination is a great theoretical take on the intersection)than “you know how X is annoying as