
I recently started working at an EU institution, where 1 or even 2 hour lunch breaks are the norm. Quite a shock compared to my more normal 30 or fewer minutes, but quite practical when you want to have a working lunch or do errands around town. Of course there are days I skip lunch and go home early, but that's up to


I always just get a slightly damp towel and scrub for a couple seconds, then blot with the dry end. Works every time.

I didn't mean to imply that they are outliers, just that the article is describing the outliers.

While I don't question your passionate disdain for the NYTs approach to your beloved series, I must contradict a shaky assumption your argument is based on.

I was talking specifically about the ribbon itself, not the other features.

But why the knife? You can just use the can opener again on the bottom once it locks on you get the same effect. (This of course assumes both sides of the can are shaped the same, which they normally are in case one side gets dented).

The ribbon is good for exposing functions that are normally hidden to those who are not proficient users.

Am I the only one still rockin 2.8 to avoid the overbearing interface Skype has transitioned to over the past couple years?

So then she had a publisher? You might consider contacting the publisher to see what they think their rights are.

I'm confused, you said they're out of print for 10 years but she created them? Hmm. You might go to [etsy.com] into their forums and pose this question. Someone who works with cross stitch will probably be better equipped to give you an idea.


The guidance for European travel is not so clear cut, I'd say. If you're traveling on high speed trains, yes, it's probably pretty accurate that booking well in advance can save money. However, if you plan to travel on off peak hours or days, you'll probably be able to snag some last minute tickets for cheap, you'll

VOTE: Register your own domain, which depending on how common or hard to spell your name is might require a hint of creativity.

This is actually great for people like me who constantly think up new ideas but don't have the time or skills to make it happen or market it properly to someone else to make it happen. Thanks for the 411.

Aaannd this is why I always wait a week or so before updating any software or OS. But thank you, early adopters, for saving me the agony.

Also, [vizualize.me] will let you get your visual-CV kicks if you're itching for that right now.

Just curious, do you guys warn web startups when you're going to post about them, and possibly provide them with a courtesy check-list of things to get in order before you guys publish? I wish you would, and I wish if you do the websites would follow your advice. Having to wait around a day or 3 to get access to a

I'm so obsessed with bubble water that I bought my own machine. :)

I would say that for any job that requires any amount of traditional networking, be it working lunches, seminars, conferences, meetings, happy hours, or the like, the fastest and most efficient way to exchange information 99% of the time will be exchanging business cards.