i don't agree with paying off debt as fast as you can. this can be relative. for isntance, you can make 10% + by putting money in a mutual fund or a 401k, while your mortgage is only 7%. You end up coming out 3% in the end richer by putting your extra money elsewhere.
I still steal hosting space from my college's server. I graduated a LONG time ago...
Here's a tip about advetising on craigslist: include pictures of your items and a price list of what asking price would start at. Did this recently, and I had people drive 45 minutes to my tag- I mean - yard sale. I even had some people steaking out my street at 6 AM.
I use TimeNet and I like it. Again, not free. But I found it to be worth the $35 or whatever it is.
oh, it helps to put your hands in your pockets WITH the eggs, too.
here's a better idea i came up with in college. Boil two eggs, put them when they're still warm in your pockets, and go about your day. later on, once they've cooled off, you have an excellent snack! (not that many people have the time for that in the morning.)
My friend and I booked Aisle/Window this week when we traveled to mexico and it worked the way down there when the flights weren't packed and super delayed.
1. Count your calories at calorie-count.com. Tracks your exercise, weight, and calories for the day. Analyzes your dietary intake. Also can analyze recipes and spit out a nutritional facts label about it for you. Super handy. Has a downloadable toolbar.
dead link. cant find the pdf's on the website...
Rock the Hack!
to be honest, i'm getting a little tired of the firefox hacks. i think its time for a separate blog just for firefox stuff.
Here's a tip: DON'T USE WORD! Use Quark or InDesign. Then attempt to recreate in word for the few employers who don't accept PDF's.
too bad google is out in the northeast, specifically boston today.
Insurance companies offer what's called a "Rider." The purpose of riders is to cover things beyond basic insurance. Anyone who owns expensive art has a rider for those pieces. Same goes for jewelery. Of course, the cost is more, but it's worth it if your built in 1805 house goes up in flames in .5 seconds.
yeah. i have my picture ID and my signature on the font. this really confuses the good people who check as my white strip says "see front" instead of "see id." they look twice and then they go, "hey, cool." saves me the trouble of having to pull out the damn ID.
My father got me a snow globe when he went to Kuait with the military a while ago. It made it home and survived my room for many months, until I came home from school one day to find it standing up yet spiderwebed. I emailed the company (cheaper than 39 cents or whatever it is to send a letter overseas) about the…
Hey slab, this would be great for motorcycle trips!
To be honest, most text books don't change dramatically from year to year. So I used to buy the previous edition on [half.com] for really cheap, then buy the expensive book at the store, compare, and photocopy the one additional chapter the publisher threw in for good measure. In some cases it actually worked out a…