Hindu Booty

Trust, the most glaring issues with DS3 multiplayer is lag and rapier/estoc. And lore and story are barebones? You must either not pay attention or are slow. Every item has a description that gives you a piece of the story and putting them together and developing theories is fun and interesting. DS2 basically spat on

Story? Lore? Boss Designs? They changed a lot of things in DS2 that they didn’t need to change, and the game feels a lot clunkier than DS3 does. One example I can think of off the top of my head are the invincibility frames on dodge rolls. In 1 and 3 I can dodge roll perfectly but in 2 it seems I always get hit. Also,

I disagree. While it definitely is the easiest game in the series, it’s tremendously better than DS2. DS2 was a complete shift in the tone of the series whereas DS3 bought it back to it’s roots. It might be living off nostalgia but it’s still better than what 2 bought to the table. In order of greatness, it goes 1>3>2

Not a lot of people understand satire and many satirical comedians often fail at it. Dunkey remains one of my top youtubers even after he quit league. The way he sounds along with the way he delivers his jokes cracks me up every time.

If she wore panties Kazuma would just steal them

I understand these people are unfamiliar with games on a whole, but is it really that difficult to move and aim? I swear, some people play these games as if there’s only one stick and you have to choose between moving and aiming. Two thumbs, two sticks

Is Genji the only character that can counter Bastion? I feel like he sucks hard. On the other hand, I haven’t had much trouble dealing with Bastion. In the beta I personally enjoyed pulling him as Roadhog and one shotting him.

No love for the Cabal, huh?

It’s a parody of modern rap battles. If you aren’t into that scene it makes sense if you don’t get it.


you one of dem knife ear sympathizers?

Magic is for cowards. In the Souls games magic is seen as the hidden “easy mode”. In Skyrim, the mages blew up Winterhold and is mainly an elf thing, and elves objectively suck. In Hearthstone, Shaman and Mage are complete cheeseballs. Every mage in every game is an asshole cheater. Except for healers. Those are

I can imagine why. The game itself invites toxicity.

Future Trunks is my favorite DBZ character so I’m praying they don’t fuck this up.

I’m all for freedom in the modding community. Doesn’t make this any less sick

Yep. I got feels when I realized he was forcing himself to survive just to fulfill the promise the group made. He almost made it but died just before everyone arrived. Aigis was my favorite character so I was fine with her holding MC but I hear in P3P the person you romance is the one who holds you, which is awesome

Yup. The lighthearted tone of P4 vs the gritty tone of P3 appeal to two different kinds of people but they are both good games. The cast in P4 joked around and inbetween trying to stop a serial killer went on dates and enjoyed their school life. The cast in P3 were very serious and while there was a bit of light

Ah, I see. Man, Shin Megami Tensei really makes me want to commit deicide.