
Yeah, you’re annoying. It’s a wedding. They play stupid stuff. Old people like The Chicken Dance. Everyone knows they can let loose to Turn Down for What. What do you expect them to play at weddings Patrick, White’s Not My Color This Evening? I guess if there are no grannies you can skip The Macarena, but these

No. People open lines of credit for all kinds of things. I did in my early 20s, bought foreclosed rental properties (when I was in the Navy), worked on them nights and weekends, rented them, flipped, them, sold them as necessary. In my 50s, I open larger lines of credit to deal with commercial buildings, apartment

haha. Right! Just like most BLM social media posts, marches, demonstrations. Those terrorists are hilarious!

Black tears are delicious too. There are no more delicious tears than those of black people who don’t like Trump, cops, conservatives, the current minimum wage, or that white people who work hard and don’t complain and live a nice lifestyle.

Sorry Patrick, but anyone who wears suspenders as a fashion statement can’t dispense fashion advice. Men, wear shorts to work. No one really cares, it makes an easy transition from the golf course back to work, and as long as you don’t have to see customers, bare those knobby knees.

Previous article on the “need” for more gender-neutral clothing. Sorry. Bad joke.

Well, maybe these shy children need some gender-neutral clothing.

“This is not how I’d choose to handle differences, but I’m having a really difficult time feeling sorry for them. ” A little out of context, but you were definitely being a dick about it, and you acted as if they deserved to be shot. Really nice of you.

So you voted for Trump too! So cool.

Pretty ugly, and one tap from a beach ball in the pool and the nose piece is breaking off. Stylish, polarized, solid sunglasses, sunglasses that can stand a drop from motorcycle handlebars, a car seat butt crushing, and even an afternoon beer grass tumble, can be had for the same money or less at your local home

Pretty ugly, and one tap from a beach ball in the pool and the nose piece is breaking off. Stylish, polarized,

Watch how this works, Water21. You’re a racist. Now, prove to me you’re not. Oh yeah, you collude with the Russians. Prove that you don’t.

Most Americans? Do you speak for all of us?

Yes, because his privacy (short i) is so much important than any legacy carbon footprint his private jet leaves on the planet.

So the word does revolve around those ho support BLM? Privilege much?

So, if anyone disagrees with your sentiment, they support the KKK. How very progressive of you.

“...they have it coming to them.” 

I bet that’s a great line at your antifa meetings. Being glad someone was the victim of violence is abhorrent.

It definitely makes you an asshole. Imagine if a member of congress had a particular problem about gays and lesbians and said they had no issue with the Pulse Nightclub shooting. You would flip your wig. And by the way, go try to buy a gun. Go to a gun show, pawn shop, or a sporting goods store and try to walk out

I’m not sure what you mean by this brilliant statement? Karma for what?

Play Music is 100% worth it for never seeing Youtube ads. The UI isn’t horrible once you get used to it, but anything is better than iTunes. :D