
You are so disillusioned.

yeah...That’s it. White evangelicals, who hate everyone and fear...What? What exactly do they fear? Losing jobs to foreign countries? Supporting refugees and immigrants more than vets? Sanctuary cities where illegal aliens have more rights than citizens? Secure borders? The loss of Constitutional rights (namely

You guys are rich. All of this get out and vote, motivate, get white women to vote, etc. Rich. What happened last November, without riots, without protests, without so much as a few Trump speeches, is that many Americans worried about losing their rights, having their life savings sapped by supporting immigrants

I agree with you 100%. The only advantage is that the stupid tuck draws attention away from my shirt-covered Glock 19 whenever I go to class.

Let’s face it...Public education in the US has been dead for years. Nothing could make it worse. Was the idea to continue on the downward spiral? Besides, if Devos performs poorly, she’ll get canned. What’s the problem? 

Possibly the most moronic article I have ever read. If fan celebrations trigger you so much, find another career. I get that you are a little tongue-in-cheek, but Jeebus! Relax. i have seen less freak outs at the daily White House briefings.

Yeah, you would really be missing out if you didn’t. An overpaid big guy is going to hit another big guy, and someone with some athletic prowess is going to run really fast. There. Told you what was going to happen. Problem solved.

Well, if it was White History Month, he’d be an expert, right? Sorry, can’t have a black man as president every day. I am sure Hillary would be an expert on all things black, right?

Compassionate, liberal left...

Like every asshole who has to let the warm beer out of the tube, and fill his cup to overflowing to get rid of the foam because he can’t pour worth a shit.

You guys keep bringing up Saudi Arabia. Sure, it had its share of terrorists, no one disputes that, but we have diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, and we recognize they do a good job of screening their flights, etc. Go to Midway and try to hop on a plane to Yemen and see how far you get. Quit getting your

He knows arguing in this echo chamber is as effective as a fart in the wind.

You see what you want to see, just like you saw Hillary anointed POTUS. Trump is doing exactly what this country elected him to do, not what the inner cities, New York, and LA (and their gated communities and armed guards) wanted. Your kids will thank us.

You don’t read much...

Maybe Ashley Judd, Madonna, and ScarJo will write checks...

I wonder how social plays into recommendations, if at all. If your colleagues are listening to Adele, those that may be in your Google groups or any other associated accounts, I wonder if that has any effect on what might pop up in your recommendations?

Wyoming...Beautiful country, wide-open spaces...You can get a nice home and lots of land without settling. Your kids and grand kids will visit. They will ride your ATVs, hunt on your land, fish in your ponds and rivers, and shoot your guns. At night they will howl at the moon around the bonfire after steaks and a

I have used it since day one. My work phone number automatically rolls into Google Voice, never ringing. I get a notification that I missed a call, the text translation if the caller decides to leave a message, and an effective call screen if they don’t. I haven’t had to dial into work voicemail, a terrible system,

We know how they work...”YOU get a pardon, and YOU get a pardon, and YOU get a pardon...YOU get a commutation...YOU get a commutation...”

Yeah dude...Stick it to the man. Fuck ‘em. Gonna get me some so-lar power. Let’s see...looking up info...Gonna get me some CHEAP solar...let’s see...solar power...solar power....Here it is - information on solar power...How much does it cost to install a solar power system: $25,000 to $35,000 for 5kw, IF you are