
I thought it meant we go without the federal government b/c 202 is DC’s area code. Your take is hilarious!

There was a Hills in Cumberland MD from the 1970s through at least 1993. Dunno if it still exists. Cumberland also had a Gee Bees store, but it closed in the 1980s.

I think the diet is 100% Trump and his childish lack of self-control. You can bet that MelOTUS isn’t eating McDonalds every day, what with the um, sharp contrast between her appearance and his.

Words cannot properly convey the way I am given hope and cheered up to know there are people like Jinni, DrugstoreGlasses, Hollylujah, Kindergothsissygeek and TheNobleRenard in this world. It is the people like you who keep me sane and make me smile, even in these most trying times! My heartfelt gratitude to all of

I thought she was his handler? Working for/assigned by Putin/Russian Intelligence?

Came here knowing that your comment would make me smile, despite the post/current state of the world. I have but one star to give; it is yours!

I regret that I have but one star to give—your comments often make me LOL, but this one is super genius! :fetches hat, then tips it:

Thirding this combo as highly effective when Ativan fails!

Star of solidarity. Gardner is a Koch shill who must go.

Me four! Looking forward to the savings—my living family members will all fit in a sedan!

This is a goddamn travesty. The local victims’ assistance offices should have a standing arrangement with every local hospital/ER billing department to receive the bill for any/all charges related to these kits. And those convicted of sex crimes should be required to reimburse the victim assistance office for these