I really hope this gets more upvotes
I really hope this gets more upvotes
Unfortunately, Brazile outright lied about passing on the questions, clearly saying she would NEVER do that. The statement she put out denying that she did what it turns out she did communicated that it would be wrong of her to do so.
And also because they may not exist.
I agree. Principles aren’t important, except when you’re lying about how you have them and the other guy doesn’t.
Absolute corruption corrupts absolutely.
Yeah sure in a perfect situation, but this isn’t a perfect situation. You have to remember that police usually show up to a scene with the barest of details. It’s usually possible type of crime, general location, possible injuries and maybe a vague, usually wrong description of the suspects. Now add to it that you…
But he wasn’t irrationally cuffed. You’re getting to judge the situation after the fact and with a whole lot of info and a video. The cops that show up have little info to go off of when they get a call. They don’t know who did what, said what or in what order it all happened in. Given the confined space and lack of…
I believe we have, with this article, finally reached peak dismissively calling people bros for no discernible reason.
I get it, this raspy-voiced, somewhat curmudgeony, old white dude isn’t popular around these parts but I’m not ashamed to admit I absolutely love him and have since I first heard him as a kid. My parents were of that era and had pretty great taste in music but Dylan was a glaring omission in their collection so it…
I have to think the AG having a private meeting with the spouse of someone under investigation is breaking some kind of tradition.
People don’t need an excuse not to vote for someone, and candidates aren’t owed any votes. They need to earn them.
Even assuming your argument, “gullibility, mental illness, histories of abuse, etc.” is something those parents should be permitted to raise as a defense in their criminal trials, but it’s not, under any circumstances, some kind of a “pass” to prostitute your children.
In film terminology, the sphere in which Vanessa lives, most characters have a race, a style of dress, a unique personality. My main point however is that it’s really a stretch to say that braiding your hair is now inherently racist.
An actress likes to dress up. In different characters. Shocking.
What in the sweet fuck are those freckle things supposed to be? The teardrop tattoo equivilent of being touched inappropriately by a famous person?