I hear you. I’m still wondering when people are going to realize that nobody’s ever going to live on Mars. Ever.
I hear you. I’m still wondering when people are going to realize that nobody’s ever going to live on Mars. Ever.
Here’s the screwed up part of that statement: Police officers in Arkansas and most of the rest of the United States do not have any form of “license.” They must meet pretty much all the same requirements as a fry cook, plus passing a background check, civil service exam, and (depending on the county) graduating a…
The two sticking points in this video for me are two statements from former officer Mike Moore:
“We wanted to give the chief the opportunity to perform her investigation,” Scribner said, according to the Hill. “So we held the video close to our chest and waited for her to provide a response.”
He should have been fired for simply being dumb as a box of rocks. He knew he was being recorded, yet he still made the choice to talk sideways. In this day and age, where you can’t pick your nose or scratch your butt in public without the possibility that it will end up on the innanets, you have to be an extra…
The same thing happens in the Catholic Church with molesting priests: they shuffle them off to another city to be someone else’s problem.
It turn out this sheethead was fired from at least two prior “law enforcement/police” jobs before this one. This is “law enforcement” in a nutshell. These guys get multiple opportunities time and time again.
Mark Davis looks like he should be in an Austin Powers movie as the sickly villain Ginger Ail.
So you finally went down on a white woman.
Compassion can’t be achieved if there is no accountability or pennance for the crime. This is the fundamental disagreement between protesters and police: Police believe that they can judge first, kill someone, and then avoid consequence... while they expect the community to never judge them, even after the evidence is…
Clark’s family didn’t sign up for this. Tough shit for his family and friends. You’re family/friends with a killer. Hope he had an open bar so you could drown the sorrows of being made uncomfortable for a bit.
Being a police officer shouldn’t excuse murder. If a murderer is anything but a police officer, they can’t say “I’m very traumatized by what I’ve done” and be excused from all legal and social repercussions. If the law isn’t being properly enforced, then protests are a reasonable response. Protests are supposed to…
In a video posted on her Facebook account last Friday, Judge’Mayo writes that the confrontation happened in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Mass.
Fuck them, too. They signed up to have this murderer in the family...
I dunno, I think letting the bride know she’s marrying a murderous asshole might count as a public fucking service. I don’t care about their discomfort.
Even in the midst of our pain and anguish we have to consider how our actions are affecting other people who are only tangentially involved in a terrible, terrible situation.
Seriously, not one of the monuments up for removal is doing anything to memorialize the fallen. They merely serve to glorify the Glorious Confederasah! /sarcasm. I have yet to hear one person seek to remove memorials at the historic battleground locations.
Royalty drives automatic.... disappointed.