
I see where you’re coming from with this, but I have to disagree. Granted, I’m not the type that posts all about clothes and makeup, but I’m also not the type that posts very much about the heavy stuff going on in life either. My posts do generally fair on the fluffier, lighter side of life. I do however, go deep

But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.

I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.

It means that someone near him thought he was a physical danger to himself or others. Involuntary psychiatric holds are a thing. This is very sad and very serious, but it’s probably not Jay calling in the illuminati.

Well, I called for a mental health wellness check when my neighbor started doing things like screaming Bon Jovi lyrics in the street in the middle of the night and chopping up his front porch with an ax. Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience.

I loved her in Silver Linings Playbook.

The greatest generation liberated the world from the Nazi’s and the Japanese, but they did not and could not confront the racism, hatred, and intolerance in their own lives until forced to by minorities. They were mostly good people, who went to church, believed in hardwork, but also for the large part oblivious and

They stopped the Third Reich.

Everything 90s is making a comeback.

this, im slow clapping at my desk for this!!!

Said the woman who voted third party

Who cares? So he’s a competent doctor, but he has some very dangerous and, frankly, STUPID ideas. I’m so tired that “oh but he’s a doctor” or “he went Ivy League.” That doesn’t make him smarter than anyone and when he talks about evolution being the LITERAL work of the devil and the big bang theory being a fairy tale,

Ugh. I live in a rainbowy, unicorny, wonderfully diverse little enclave. I only ever met one Trump-supporting couple. I really did need to see this bloody red map to realize just how very many racist idiots exist. I’m sorry.

Same in Florida. Fuck everyone of them and their ‘protest vote’.

The margin of victory for Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin was less than the total of Jill Stein voters in both sates. If those precious little babies had simply voted strategically the “meaning” we are all about to start deriving from this shit-show would have been radically different.

will you agree to be a stop on our underground railroad?

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.