Thanks for that, because my entire world view revolves around the opinions of hollywood actresses.
Thanks for that, because my entire world view revolves around the opinions of hollywood actresses.
I could give fuck about texas high school football.
Seriously? You ever been to Pennsylvania, Indiana or Ohio?
Because everyone knows rape culture begins with a halftime speech by a sports coach.
Okay, what was it meant to trivialize?
Why did it freak you out any more than college or professional sports?
Maybe you should put some thought into your responses so people don’t think you are a brick.
And what rapes occurred by football players in FNL?
I’m more than happy to respond to all of them at one time.
Is that what you got out of it?
And the movie FNL was about racism, segregation, racism and poverty.
Which only proves the writers employed viscious stereotypes, hollywood tropes and internet memes in order to make a point about a serious subject.
Well, I’ve learned the first person who says “I’m out of here” is because they can’t answer a simple question. And it’s not enough that they leave, they feel a need to recruit others because it makes them feel validated.
“Um. Because that’s where many of the stories come from..”
And what was the purpose of staging it around southerners, texans, small towns, high school football players and they’re supporters?
I didn’t say I was outraged, maybe you should learn to read.
I got the point. What point do you think was made?
I’m not trivializing rape.
This is offensive on so many levels it defies description.