
Right? I saw how many comments about how she was 'way too young!!!' and it makes me wonder if people don't really understand what an Aunt actually is…

I haven't seen them in foooorever and I really need/want to revist them now.

We just thought she was cute before but now we see she's cool, like a guy. Not that we like guys. Just girls who are basically guys. But girls. Because we don't like guys.

See I thought you might have been and I should have just gone with my gut. ;(

If you mean sisters like biological sisters then as long as it's totally platonic I'm down. I think by virtue of being a werewolf everything has to be intense. I would also accept some of the werewolves and some of the zombies being lesbians, but again, not a requirement.

What would Superman do if he couldn't save her??

Or a pinecone.

I actually don't know if it would have been any less enjoyable, but I'm also not sure I would have watched it so I'll give you that.

I think in previous comments I've made my stance on werewolves totally clear, but if not I'll just restate: that is 100% okay in my book. Bonus points if they're lesbian werewolves, but that's not a requirement.

I 100% agree with you. The show captures the atmosphere and the tone it's going for awesomely, but I think there's definitely a nostalgia factor that is taking it from the 'ok fun' it is to this huge cultural phenomenon.

Stranger Things I want to like you so badly but:

I think they're back to working on that again, last I heard.

It's actually

The Great Food Truck Race is honestly the best.

Oh man, it's weird but sometimes asking people for pet advice is as fraught with arguments and hurt feelings as asking them their political views? That's why I generally just keep my questions for my vet or sometimes google. People can be weird.

If the power of suggestion is going to get you to do anything, buying ice cream is a-ok.

Mostly ok! Went down a little bit near the end because of some weird head cold that I'm still on the tail end of, but what can you do?

That was actually exactly my thought too. I want it to do well, it sounds amazing, but also I'm lazy and would like to be catered to? I don't think that's asking -too- much.

That absolutely makes it worse. You are who you are, and if you're someone who's willing to be an asshole to make money then it doesn't matter how pleasant you might be in person, you're still an asshole.

Those humans totally deserved their fates (follow instructions guys, come on) but that poor horse didn't do anything.