
Now that sounds like porn.

Ohhhhhh right. I had to google it (thank you, wikipedia), but that's right, now I… somewhat less vaguely remember it. I think my brain must have just booted it out for space for literally any other memory.

I unabashedly love Derek Hough so this might actually be the first live musical on tv thing I wind up watching. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Hairspray after watching the movie almost every day one summer (never let the children you nanny pick a movie, definitely never let them do it more than once). It

I don't remember Smoking Aces being that terrible… but I also don't remember it at all past remembering that at some point I saw it? And I think part of it took place in a hotel? So it's entirely possible it was so bad that my mind has literally erased it.

I only approve of this comparison if Bad Boys 3 is all 3-D computer animated.

Bad Boys Don't Cry

Have you been liking Kentucky Route Zero so far? I've almost gotten it a few times but haven't quite pulled the trigger yet.

I need to find a new system so badly. The one I started in is pretty sad— two planets, one moon (I've been sailing around and can't find anything else), and they're pretty much all toxic.

I loved Oxenfree. I've been meaning to play it again on a run-through where I don't pick any dialogue options— you get a steam award or whatever for doing that, but mostly I think it just sounds like fun and I really enjoyed that game.

I like it, but I also like games that let me just wander slowly around and do what I want and don't put huge pressures on me to complete tasks if I'm not feeling it. My game playing time tends to be more of the 'zen' variety, so this is pretty much tailor made for me. That being said, I definitely get why it's not for

I want to believe that it's pure optimism? I'm probably wrong, but I know for movies like Suicide Squad if my schedule had permitted I would have gone the opening weekend (prior to reviews being released) just because I hoped it was going to be good (and I do mean good in a fun sense, not necessarily in a cinematic

My thoughts exactly. It's a lazy cliffhanger, probably the most over-done one a show can throw in now if they have expendable characters.

It's not even clever, it' just misery for misery's sake after awhile. I think some people (writers, creators, whatever) think that makes their product more "gritty and realistic and dark", but really it just kind of kills any motivation I have as a viewer to care what happens to characters the show obviously just

I do genuinely feel so bad for anyone who is invested in that canon/world. I don't know a ton about it, but from what I do know the people making the DC movie choices are maybe only vaguely aware comic books even exist in the world.

There's been garbage movies forever, though. I think the current ones feel more garbagey just because we're here in the present with them, but it's not like entertainment has suddenly declined in quality and taste. If anything, I think we're lucky for the variety we have now, and for the ability more people have to

Agreed. Getting commercial free Hulu was one of the best TV investments for me. I don't have cable and I'm never really around to catch anything live anyway, so watching it next-day commercial-free is the best.

Anyone who has ever worked any job can probably verify that 100%.

While I would never want to speak for everyone (or even most people, or really honestly anyone not myself), I think a lot of times there are -much- better options, they're just not readily available, affordable, or socially acceptable (it's weird to me how squeemy people get about therapy in this country) to some of

I agree. In some ways, I almost think this is a better use of the 'get your friends to do something for a cause' campaign than ALS, because while veterans' services really DO need money, one of the largest problems with all forms of suicide is that the general population just doesn't acknowledge it as being an issue

I was thinking that same thing. I don't really remember it now, but I remember enjoying it at the time.