
That was my only real reservation about the episode, too, but then I thought maybe transporting a cow through town (though how fresh does the blood have to be, even?) might be considerably harder.

Voodoo dougnuts are, unfortunately, way too localized (I'm a lot further north). ;( The legal/medicinal (legal) is true though.

I totally agree, that was one of the movies I was thinking of.—I actually really liked Detention. I'm not sure if it's a good movie or not, but I enjoyed it.

That is a very real concern, I hear that.

Is that true-true or true like putting my cell phone in my pocket is going to also give me cancer because everything apparently gives you cancer true?

Wasn't there a big hoohaw about how diet soda was actually worse for people because it makes them crave real sugar when the brain realizes it's being tricked? Or something like that. I think if you wait long enough everything is terrible for you eventually.

Right? As a baker over here this conversation is breaking my heart a little. I'm sorry for anyone who can't have a palmier in their life every once and awhile (unless they really can, in which case I'd just let them know they're missing out).


Yeah we get meth too over here on the west coast and it doesn't come with Cheerwine Kreme so what the hell is that.

Oh hey, Civ V is also my weekend game plan! I'd honestly only ever heard of it in passing until the steam sale when a friend talked me into getting it (and 8 bucks for the game and all the expansion packs is an impossible to beat deal, honestly) and wow, talk about getting sucked in. I love that it's got a multiplayer


Those are both great choices!

If it makes you feel better, I've seen Dane Cook in a few things (not stand-up, I don't care for his stand-up) and actually liked him in them? I feel like he has potential if directed well and hey, Brian Fuller does that. I think it'll be good.

As a lady (and not a preacher, hohoho, don't let the icon fool you), I'm hitting a point where I'll be happy when this movie blows over not because I have any opinion on the movie (haven't seen it, so how could I?) but because I'm getting tired of reading so many pieces/comments/things in general that seem to want to

But maybe better than a 'Blockbuster'.

The iPod shuffle was one of everyone's most favorite devices of all time so it makes -perfect- sense.

They make pills that help with that, so I hear.

Well look who he cast, I think he's picking sides pretty hard here. ;(

What's weird is I feel like they kind of tried to do that with the original ending? I didn't read the story until after I saw the movies, but the ending they would up cutting felt a lot truer to the tone of the book than the one they stuck with (not that either of them were really that close). I don't dislike the

I love these books, and I honestly don't think the movie was -as bad- as some people said it was (it wasn't -great- but it wasn't a -disaster-). I'm holding out hope for the TV series though.