
I'm feeling kind of a Bride(s) of Frankensteina vibe.

I'll allow it. I would also be okay with bisexual alien blobs.

Only if they're lesbian Frankenstein creatures.

Question: have you seen any of his 'It's Kind of a Funny Story' type roles? Not judging your opinion at all, just curious.

That's my favorite Broadway show.

Hawaii is all of us. ;(

Speak for yourself.

I think you just meant "Emeril Lagasse"

Alright, fantastic, sounds good. Now who's picking up Agent Carter?

It sounds even worse than that though. The really good (bad) netflix movies have things like actual people wearing sheets pretending to be ghosts.

That twist though might actually be interesting. You're TOO CREATIVE for generic horror movie plots, I'm afraid. :(

I agree, that would be an uncool thing to say. I assume what was meant here was more along the lines of "by horror movie logic you can predict exactly what her reaction will be". Fortunately for all of us, that and real life logic are usually vastly different.

I really like The Perfect Getaway, but I think it's just because everyone acting in it is giving it 150% and just eating it up. Plus Timothy Olyphant's character is absurd in a way that I find weirdly endearing. But I agree that the twist in the movie is a little too "wait, what?" in a way that's like "….I mean, I

I used to watch more MMA fights back when I was in college, but was kind of turned off the whole thing thanks to that attitude.

Literally no one, if TV ratings are any indication.

Agree to disagree.

[somewhere in the distance the entire transformers franchise laughs]

Thank you.

The new Paul Blart movie seems really intense…