
For only two days? That’s all Liberal’s do now. lol That’s how Hillary and her morons pushed supporters away from Hillary and caused Trump to win. Even Hillary had her PR people subtly insinuating that people criticizing her or admitting they are fine with voting for a woman but didn’t like her policies or background

Fun fact: PC principal was created because a PC nut was screaming at one of their friends (some guy from SNL) at a party when he made a joke, and Matt or Trey started doing the PC principal voice mocking that harasser to cheer him up. So if you didn’t want to be mocked then you shouldn’t act the way you do. Personally

Are we really your friends after what you Hillary supporters did to make sure Trump wins?

And thanks for running off voters, Hillary and supporters. You really fucked us over harder than Trump supporters.

Hillary and her supporters got him elected and they’ll no doubt do it again in 4 years.

Yeah, you’re a shill. There’s only a handful of good games on the system and most of those are remasters of old games. They abandoned the system and it didn’t even get its own Zelda. Don’t support this trash.

Let this be a warning to any who are thinking about buying Nintendo’s next to be failed system, the Switch.