
Are there genes for hating exercise? And, like, low pain tolerance? And hating (HATING) feeling out of breath? I exercise regularly but always battle these things: constant thoughts of “I hate this, I don’t want to do this, etc.”; it hurts; despising the feeling of being out of breath or sweating. I mean, I push

There are other eating disorders besides anorexia and bulimia. I am a compulsive overeater. I have some recovery so I don’t “look like it,” but I must carefully monitor my food so I don't slip. I don't think I'll ever be able to just enjoy food... It'd be like trying to just moderately enjoy cigarettes or cocaine

If you think Ron Meyer takes all the meetings or reads all the scripts, then you don’t know anything about Hollywood.

How To Lose a Guy etc in on tv, like, at least once a month fear chrissakes

The ugly coverage of Sheen has probably done a lot of damage to the issue. The shaming, the speculation about his appearance, the glee that a “bad boy” has it... awful. Shame plus STD’s is not a good combo.

I'm a million years old, I'm a sci fi nerd, and I saw Star Wars opening night at the Zeigfeld. Why don't these people want my money?

Yes. This.

I love her. I love her resilience and persistence and her everything. But if it’s Bernie, well, that’s cool too. I agree with him a little more, but I think she’ll deal with the republicans better. The point is, I'll be happy either way and that's great.

I love cheese and I am a recovering compulsive over eater so I no have cheese.

We saw it every Friday at the Waverly for about a year. Got there at 11 to save a place first in line. We’d say “neighborhood” to get in for free.

Liberal guys who don’t think they’re misogynist are the worst misogynists. Most times self identified sexist pigs are actually easier.

Ira Ungerleider runs this show and it’s awesome!

I’m an old movie nut as evidenced by my screen name and I love the Coen brothers. And I can’t wait for this movie. And YOU ARE RIGHT. It’s fiction. If they can make “Hamilton” diverse, they can do it to anything and they should. It's enough with this bullshit already. (But I still want to see the movie).

If I hadn’t gotten a baby out of it, pregnancy would’ve been one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me.

People make what they can sell. Soloway was able to sell this story, so she's making it.

Sci fi nerd here. (I am the only person still watching “Under the Dome.”). I watched it last year but didn’t even know it premiered this year! I dvr’d the last 3 but don’t know how to find the season 2 openers to catch up. Help.

Most depressing morning activity: try to think of big female comedy directors that would be “meaningful.” Or little ones.

Guys... Guys... Is a 62 year old icon not allowed to have or voice another opinion? When you all are 62 you might feel differently about things than you do now. Society and culture will change, and you might not agree with the youngs. I did a lot of stupid shit in the 80’s, and I could’ve gotten raped or killed. I


The ire is puzzling. I mean, Seth Rogen writes his own shit... I think they're both awesome.