
It bugs me that women's sexual needs are always described as tied to to their emotions. I mean... I don't know about other gals... but I get physical sensations in my genitals that make me want to have sex. It has nothing to do with how I feel about myself or whether I feel desirable. I get these sensations

Hello, moms are people and they're not all old women. Also, things around my waist give me a stomach ache. High waisted jeans look terrible on me. I'm happy hiding my muffin top with a loose fitting shirt. (If you look high waisted jeans, fantastic! Marilyn Monroe wore them. Not a mom, as far as I know).

I love Lena's dress. I wish I had small boobs so I could wear a dress like that.

Towards the end, my face looked triangular. I wore one pair of shoes all the time 'cause I had pitted edema and my feet were crazy swollen. All my life I'd had body issues; but, after I had the baby, I was thrilled with my body. Like, I didn't know how good I'd had it before until I was pregnant, with a triangle

I don't get why it's cool to hate on her lipstick choice, but okay.

Oh my God, you people are crazy! I loved this. Lena Dunham is talented. I know you guys are are all super young, and it's hard because of the feelings o jealousy and competition. If you could see it from my eyes, as an old, with a young daughter, you'd see how awesome it is that a young woman is making so many

Yeah, 3/5 is almost 3/6 which is 1/2. So it's half white men, which actually is a huge improvement.

I find it pretty annoying when breasts are described as a secondary sexual organ because of how they look to OTHERS. My breasts give ME sexual pleasure, because I have feeling in them. Like, there are nerves in their that are related to sex. I really don't care how they look beyond I want them to look good so

He's the most famous of the baby fuckers. He's got that "I'm never getting mawwied" whine. And as he gets older, the women don't, which is the way it usually works in the real world. Or the sane world, where one wants to be with someone of equal stature. That's another thing, he doesn't date any women who could be

All these women could be Superman's girlfriend.

My cousins kids have her last name. That was part of the deal when she got married. It still bothers me that we ALL have men's last names. I can't wait for this shit to be over, but I probably won't be alive by the time it is. My boyfriend HATES his last name, but there's no way in hell he'd take mine.

The difference between a woman "fucking" a guy in the ass is since she doesn't have a penis, and is either holding or wearing a dildo, it's more like "work" for the woman as opposed to physical pleasure. I mean, when a guy fucks someone in the ass, his penis is getting to go inside something... penises like that.

I love Joan Rivers. That documentary was brilliant. She's worked like a maniac all her life and had to fight for recognition. My favorite line in the doc was, "I hate dead people." I mean, you're so angry that you hate dead people? Angry women are very polarizing, and Joan Rivers is always fucking angry. The

The actresses have to get to the set 2 hours before anyone else for hair and magic... which could mean 5am for a 7am first shot. Maybe she's taking a motherfucking nap.

True. Yes. I agree. And then there's the multiple ways Americans pronounce "Les Miserables." If I could do gifs, I'd put John Travolta here right now.

Hold on folks. It's starting now. NOW. All the ladies in the house will now hate Jennifer Lawrence until she starts behaving the way you hate compulsively and nothing she does will stop you from hating her. It's our national "kill the successful woman" past time, and it's awesome.

It is possible!!!! I got a lot of help from overeaters anonymous. I'm a compulsive overeater, and my parents put me on my first diet in 3rd grade. Couple that with teenage years spent as a television actress and I have body and food issues. Therapy is helpful, but I really get a lot from the support of others with

Well, I'm old. All of this makes me want to say, "kids, kids... go outside."

I love Sephora the way I loved playing dress up when I was a kid. I spent hours copying the make up in old movies and trying to approximate "Little House On The Prairie" and "Little Women" clothes. (Girl things are "little.") I found a super old corset somewhere, I tried to white out my eyebrows with concealer like

Look, I can sort of, kind of understand outrage over actual rape jokes you've actually heard. I mean, I like very hard comedy, but fine — you're outraged and we should all feel bad for laughing. But people using gallows humor during rehearsals... in private... in a sensitive way to make sure they don't go too far?