
Ok, but why didn't she want her heirs to have something after her??

For me too. I felt just sorry for her, I still do.

More equitable than the US I suppose, but there are things to work on here too.

Female only college seems like educational heaven. Too bad we do not have something like it in Norway.

This cattiness and same sex competition was common in friendship with women in earlier years, but I don’t find the description fitting in my friendships with women now (I am in my forties).

I think he made a total arse out himself and that “manifesto” of his.

Too many immature people out there too...

So why “White girls only”, then?

Skrik can also mean crying in norwegian. ;)

Nope, Bip Ling doesn’t do it for me, even if she is a cool it-girl in London and all that.

That can easily be ok with inviting some of your own friends to the party. ;)


Trashy party friends are perhaps not as trashy as you thought....

I am a short woman, nobody have ever discriminated me about it.

You are not...

Seems like gift grabbing to me.

They have arrived in Norway and it collide with the old tradition that says gift after the baby is born. Many people are now expecting two gifts. I never bother to buy anything though, people have money and can provide for their own baby.

Seems rude to have a second baby shower.

I eat oatmeal for breakfast every day.

What the fuck... I am almost fainting.