Hildegerd Haugen

The Americans is up there with Mad Men and The Sopranos.

Too bad we know nothing about her life in Moscow, if she even have a life in Moscow…

Muhammad Ali was a mean piece of shit when he was young. He got away with it because he was pretty (his own words).

2016 has been a very shitty year so far….

Very promising pilot.

My impression as well.

I think they have already done it.

I think he has known all along that something is going on.

I like that analyze.

The key to Michael Emersons acting genius is how he delivers sentences and monologues. Glorious.

He, he, he.

He got his wifes best friend pregnant.

I kept thinking the exact same thing since last season.


Sad about Gaad.

They could have spared us for the kiss between Susan and Ira

She looks like me as a child. Disturbing.

Yes, Iris was just boring.

Never bought the Iris-John relationship.

She hide it behind her awesome badassery.