Hildegerd Haugen

Dissapointing season, lousy finale.

This fucking show.

Or perhaps she will kill get rid of Martha herself.

He cares more for her than he wants to admit to himself.

Yes, she nailed it.

So Jessa and Adam is single again, does this mean they two will eventually hook up?

If he doesn't his entire family is in danger…

she is a liability now.

Hmm, what are you thinking of?

She is up to something. I am sure of it.

Iris needs to go, she is boring.

You guys did see that the machine worked in the end?

But SA isn't the power house it once were.

Sorry, don't have the dobbel S on my keyboard (and my german is kind of rusty as well).

Jessa got played. ;)

With friends like this….

didn't he say Sheize Hound?

Hope you talks about yourself since you were very busy in defending the aforementioned fictional TV Character.

I thought the same thing.

Mind your own business.