Now playing

To be fair, the crack was probably more a symptom of another failure mode than it was an actual problem. In once sense no, the crack probably didn’t contribute directly, it was only a sign of failure. AvE has a take on this and I don’t think he’s too far off base.

Now playing

The latest video I’ve seen - a dashcam with fairly clear view of the whole span, shows that a crane on the left side was doing something on top of what appears to be the initial point of destruction.

First we have to stop the offshore third world dog heads before the fax machine metaphor holds.

Look at that first pic. He could have played Ashton Kuther in a film when he was younger.

What I am saying is that this should not happen.

Well she did try to break off his fingers with that sword.

Humans: Not caring where they stick it since pretty much forever.

Also, that sign that says $5 minimum order to use credit card is wrong. According to the credit card processing merchant agreement, this is not allowed.

I can’t believe I am reading this.

yeah it’s really dumb

They read “circle” and interpret that as “disc.”

No, it was SQUASHED!! SQUASHED!!!!


Samsung makes a mirror tv...

I was watching one of those home reno shows on HGTV last night, um, Fixer Upper maybe. They installed a TV above the fireplace (always too high in my opinion) and it looked like a mirror but the TV was never turned so I could see it was in fact a TV, not a mirror...how would that be done, had a cool effect though.

“Why are you wearing that stupid rabbit mask?”

Some idiot is going to read this and microwave his hard drive to make it bigger.

All I want is 100% reliability.