
Oh look. Ray Fisher again.

“sexual misconduct” is the word bloggers and women use when they know nothing major or illegal has been done to them, but they feel bad about it, so it must be “wrong.”

This is why “sexual misconduct” as a catch-all phrase is essentially meaningless. I’d dare anyone to succinctly describe James Franco’s “behavior” in a way that makes the case for why his career should end.

I have aesperger’s too and was inspired last night. It’s not an aspect of myself I like at all (it basically means I’m socially stupid) and try to minimize it with my self-identity and I fear the stigma. But perhaps we should debate whether he’s that awful to begin with.

I think most critics are looking it through the

You’re so obsessed with Musk that I criticize him in insufficiently harsh terms and your brain literally interpreted it as a defense of him and you concluded I’m a “fanboy.” That’s bizarre, obsessive behavior and you are absolutely the exact type of weird nerd I’m referring to.

Pete Davidson looks like a corpse that escaped the morgue halfway through embalming.

Either him or... you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

I love the soundtrack. The smash cut from Plainsong to New Order’s Ceremony is amazing.

I was kind of hoping for Norm McDonald.

This “article” and these responses so obviously stem from nothing more than blatant class envy and hatred for a successful and determinedly non-”woke” White man.

Yeah but he seems like he’ll be bad at it.

I rewatched this recently and really enjoyed it - definitely stronger than Life Aquatic and probably better than Anderson’s last couple. I see the complaint about its relationship to India, but I think it’s clear we’re basically stuck in the very limited perspective of the main characters (it reminds me a little of

Now playing

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Part of it was the fact that I’m Indian, and I’ve ridden a train like that for an extended period of time, but the cinematography was incredible and the soundtrack as well.

When a DHS forensics agent that does this for a living describes the content of your hard drive as “among the top 5 worst they’ve ever seen” ... Eesh.

As parents, what you did was show your daughters that some abuse is okay and the abuser’s feelings and life journey and the harmony of the family unit are more important than you and your trauma. A little bit of abuse being okay basically preps them for a lifetime of abuse. Because it’s always going to be “a little

I think you’re going to be more disappointed when you realize that opinions are perfectly worth expressing regardless of influencing a policy change. Do you not understand how people work? Not everyone in the world cares about changing the world with every opinion. Sometimes they’re just content to say “I disagree

Do you write this way because you’re trying to appear intelligent?

Strange, because NBC had to pay tens of millions to get Lorne Michaels back because the show had bottomed out the fucking ratings. It’s kinda like he’s the special sauce!

...which is upset by the fact that a great many of the professional critics don’t use any kind of number score and their reviews are disregarded, which gives less and less bolstering to popcorn movies the further back you go in film history. I’m willing to bet there are many, many reviews from the average fanboy twerp

Disney without kids is - no exaggeration - an entirely different experience. It’s not even the same place.