
Out of respect for the frustration my original post caused, I’m going to take a posting break, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging.  I’m an older gay man with a fairly diverse friend group. My work puts me in a position of building online communities, which includes crafting and enforcing rules around what’s


Sorry I didn’t put my gay card on the table. As a queer man, I’ve found comfort in both the point of view of the posts and many of the resulting conversations. Both the content and the culture suggests, pretty loudly, that you share this space with me.

Agreed. Full stop.

Is this literally not the purpose of this space on the internet? Jesus christ, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

I don’t need a treat for being a man that’s tired of men being fucks. In my very small place in this world and this discussion, I spend my time with men demanding better.

Fuck the misogyny that created this sham of a male. Fuck the pulpy at-right edgelording neckbeard bitches on the rings of this fucking cultural splash.

Wow! This is real good.

God, amazing and thank you. I didn’t know this was a thing, and now this middle aged man is prepping his Auntie Mame.

Hah-ha! A star for you ma’am or sir.

Who uses the word fucking then changes up to frickin’ in the same communication? This guy is a lunatic.

At this point I think the thoughts and prayers thing has become a trolling tactic.

I’m having a physical reaction to this that I can only describe as rage vomiting.

I’m weeping and grateful for this.

Hrm, that isn’t at all what I said, so I’m not sure how to respond to you.

While I get that “reports of” and “eye witness statements” come with their own form of baggage, feeding a puppy to a turtle, reportedly outside of the course of a curriculum, is pretty gross.

Honestly, my first thought was “Would I like Wisconsin? Maybe I could move there for a bit to help campaign.”

Yayyyyyyyyy! I’m delirious with joy about this!

Oh no. You’ve ruined this for me!

I did not believe you, but Google backs you up in both English and Hindi. I will use this word.