
Wow, yeah. Talk about politics meets celebrity meets religion meets cash-grab meets textbook example of how unrealistic abstinence is. It’s the perfect storm, which I would say should be the name of her next child, but there’s only one Storm and it wasn’t Halle Berry.

I’m tired of all these monkey fighting sneaks trying to get on these Monday through Friday planes!

That’s fair. I think what I really want is a bunch of rotten vegetables and a town square. Say what you will about awards shows, but I agree that it would be nice if places of celebration and achievement didn’t need to be co-opted for retribution. Another shitty piece of shrapnel from the slow-motion explosion of men

Yes thank you.

Common sense, or self-preservation with a dash of “I hope this cup passes me by.”?

Yeah. He should show up and take some public lumps for being a sack of dicks.

Sweet feckless Jesus, I thought about the same thing when I read this article. What a fucking creepy mind-fuck of a ritual.

I don’t dissagree.

Gay men are known to don a purity ring of sorts in a purely scientific effort to master the biology of blood flow and resiliance in extreme environmental conditions.

Wow, Hazel. I honestly clicked the article while working through a snark combining something about impurity rings and homosexual men, but then you ruined it with compelling writing and astute analysis of the intersections of comodified purity, the tactical playbook of Evangelical culture warriors in action, and the

Hooray my gays! We made it! Homocides and violent crimes against us may be climbing, but at least we can add “PR shield for sex predators” to our social value score.

I’m sure it is (I’m lying, I personally know it’s a high crime in some places) and I am ashamed. But I can’t stop. Help me?

I teared up a little at “...or the Philly cheesesteak extra mayonnaise...” - you get me. You really, really get me.

I asked the same thing. When Jez first mentioned the event, I clicked through thinking it was a joke. I’ve been under the impression that Bill Cosby would go down in the flames of his decades of crimes, but the comments I read there (seemingly authentic?) really threw me.

Jesus, the comments on that Cosby event. I was hoping it was a joke.

I’m literally sick to my stomach for Billie JD Porter.

He should spend life in prison, but not before being forced to face his victims, one at a time, as they tell him anything they wish, should they wish, on live TV with the camera on his face the entire time.

Chills. She’s wonderful, powerful.

I couldn’t agree more. 101 (and certainly more) victims, powerful organizations complicit in both providing cover for the predator AND BURYING the crimes AND BLAMING THE VICITIMS. WHAT THE FUCK. Why isn’t this as important as Trump’s media meanies awards?