High Road

The last paragraph is the new idea I was looking for; transferring to a local lender is perfect. Thanks

I just read your last 10 comments. Obviously you find spewing ugly hate filled garbage to be fun and entertaining, but apparently you don’t see how stupid it makes you look. You’re a loser.

At least in a few years you will be able to pick one of these up for a song. Kind of like the 924; The poor man’s Porsche.

Did you miss the part where there are two working engines? I’d pay the asking price just to drive it once around the block.

I’m guessing my boys (13 & 15) are gonna love it. Me, not so much.

You have obviously never attempted a project like this. Selling immediately after completion is part and parcel. I have never kept a project car long enough to break it in; you reach a point where all you can think of is selling as soon as it’s back on the road. “I’m so done with this pos, just get it out of my fn

1979. I drove a 1971 Mach 1, yellow. I was 16. Went to dinner, went to the Drive-in movie, drove her home. Most memorable night of my life, (did I mention the rear seat folds down?)

Whatever. I’ll drive myself, thanks. Always have, always will, (I kinda like the whole driving thing).

The end made me laugh out loud.

Who do you think buys Corollas? The rich?

So who would pay this “border tax” on cheap compact cars? Oh right, America’s working poor. The same people who will pay the quadrupled food prices when he runs all of the low paid farm works out of the country. How to Bankrupt a Country in 3 Easy Steps.

In the process of trying to eliminate a few thousand Mexican jobs he could put new American made cars out of reach for millions of hard working blue collar Americans; virtually bankrupting the Auto industry.

Sadly there is a market for this car, but thankfully no one I know. CP.

It’s a youtube thing; some of the big Vloggers drive them, (Roman Atwood, Tanner Fox, Mo Vlogs and a few others. Collectively they have about 10 billion video views, all from kids exactly like the bike crasher who are huge fans of the vloggers, and by default, GTRs. It’s like the GTR has become a celebrity of sorts.

What car is that? Are you serious? That’s just embarrassing.


Beefing up the rest of the drive train would be easy enough, but why? No matter what engine you stuff in it they will always be a poorly designed, pos with cheap plastic interiors and rust prone, paper thin body panels. Blazers are even worse than the Explorers. All of the so-called SUVs from that era are garbage;

You’re right, for a chick bike it’s pretty cool.

I don’t care if it’s a nice price, it’s a Sportster, it’s not a real Harley. It’s like a 924 or a Mustang II. I still have some pride.

I agree. I was a total asshole until I spent two years driving a ‘65 VW bus; Now when some dickhead rides my ass I just pull over and let them pass, like the old days...