Colored Black Negro

I see why you feel the list is important. Certainly, it is full of individual transgressions. That’s simply not how I’m quantifying the similarities/differences between the parties. I know others will do it differently. I’m trying to understand long term outcomes (economic, educational, environmental (housing and

The party. Not the people. What were the Dems able to leverage, even assuming best intent, to right the wrong done to Abrams (or Gollum)?  A system so compromised can only permit so much mobility/flexibility. I’ve no agenda, nor investment other than concern for gains and advancement by those of us on under the boot. 

I believe you arguments are actually proving my point. You’re certainly entitled to them. I think this system of government, built by ruthless, greedy, murderous scoundrels may have shown signs of change, but not progress, over the years. Its founding principals govern and guide, no matter who’s at the helm. I

I’m not playing a game. I don’t think I have it twisted. My assertion is that, at the end of the day, we have Kavanagh. We have Obama putting the people in charge of the financial crisis in his cabinet (and I like Obama). I could go on. The point is. The system will only permit a standard deviation. Different inputs,

I like Abrams. The facts are that a corrupt system kept her out of office. Members of her party (part of that system), were unable to intervene because of the pervasiveness of that corruption. Not about individuals.

SomebodIES better be so motherfucking fired it isn’t even funny.

wait, who said he wasn’t low functioning????

ROLLLLL yes. If you drove in Boston, you would commit mental murder on the regular.

cracka ass cracka

He nailed it. Sell them the dream. And if you can honestly tell me the difference between the actual politics of the parties, when it comes right down to it, you’re a better man than I. Because that’s like picking black pepper out of fly shit. It’s the same debased, corrupt system. It’s always been about money, and it

Word. The Hate U Give was trash. I want my money back. 

Cory Booker just revealed himself to be unqualified for a presidential run. He’s simply not strategically inclined. Doesn’t understand how to manipulate white people and not come off like a Tom to us (and why are your friends so fucking stupid if they’re your friends?).  The day of the apologist has passed. You can’t

And a lot of white people who never hear the word no. 

Which they have done and we are ripe for a remake. They. Find. Ways. It’s what they do. 

In all fairness, even if she did, at that time, she deserves the opportunity to have an evolving political awareness, as long as it’s not actually fascist/supremacist, etc. The binary specifics of the Cold War took aware the gray area for Communists in a cruel and unfair way, including Dr. Davis. Time may well look

My girl on Twitter said it best, “America lets subpar, unqualified white people do anything.” And by that, she/we mean ANYFUCKINGTHING. It’s unconscionable and dangerous.

Right. And why isn’t Gun Control, a 2nd amendment/constitutional issue, regulated by the Federal Government, which would make this interstate trafficking. The NRA is literally getting away with every kind of murder.

Hey Dumbfuck. Nigeria is an OPEC nation. And your point isn’t legit in any way. Read How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney. Or take a look at any of the countries destroyed by imperialism. Facts are so inconvenient.

Powerful and tragic. There are missing generations of our best minds locked up. We’ll never be able to account for those losses.

Cervantes once wrote, “comparisons are odious.” Trying to compare suffering or declare a monopoly on suffering would be pointless. Clearly, you are doing neither here. Just making a point about the particulars of our history and suffering.