She sued Howard University for discriminating against her for being white, so apparently it’s a fairly flexible belief.
She sued Howard University for discriminating against her for being white, so apparently it’s a fairly flexible belief.
My friends were on a reality tree house show. They had to foot the whole bill. The show decorated and furnished the whole tree house for the finale, but at the end of it, they packed up all the furnishings again and left, haha. So basically, they paid an above market-rate for construction just for the honor of having…
My best friend of 19 years and I both love this show - and we’ve never discussed it. It’s too personal, and there’s living in Russia and spying and all manner of things involved.
i love this show AND them but i bet that headline hurts the husband she left for him lol
The truth is that CA doesn’t have a water problem, they have a storage problem. And with the recent crisis averted, CA politicians will ignore the needed infrastructure needed to support the population that doubled since the last projects were completed. They’ll just kick that can down the road a few years and waste…
fyi locomotive jones is a big troll so don’t be afraid to dismiss.
Stupid. This involves millions of other people. Your “analogy” is crap.
In history classes far into the future, the question: what was the tipping point that started WWIII? will be easily answered on final exams, much unlike the convoluted response for say, WWI, it will be a simple, one word answer: Twitter.
Of course Trump has the biggest and best health violations. I expect nothing less from a kitchen that takes an expensive steak, burns the shit out of it, then douses it in ketchup.
It’s not the “pretty” so much that annoys - it’s the unspoken requirement that layers of overdone makeup and cocktail-party attire are what’s needed in order for a woman to speak and be heard about news and politics. Even on the major non-Fox networks, you’ll seen various degrees of suits and wrinkly sagginess from…
I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on. …
Oh for fucks sake.
I couldn’t even finish that. It was monumentally embarrassing. Jesus.
I honestly think he doesn’t like going to work anymore so he’s just not gonna go.
Nobody experiences anything anymore unless it’s in the absolute and superlative form.
We are ruled by our noisiest authorities.
“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,
It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.
Shailene Woodley furiously dials her agent.
It’s deliberate falsification, not a fucking oversight. What the hell?