highallironic acid

Oh, it ends well if you got what it takes. Two words: Al Sharpton.

To dissuade people from perpetuating fake hate crimes. It's about time, considering the damage they're doing.

Not so. Tech companies literally lift countries. Ireland was a quasi shithole before big tech moved in.

No. They don’t move to Russia. They move to Ireland, Germany, UK, Poland...

Let’t not pretend he’s the first one doing this.

Looks like you’re not pro choice after all... shame...

Says someone who shares the traits of the most racist and vile people who were there. The irony.

He stood his ground. Not saying anything, not doing anything. Smart kid. And still got crucified. Imagine if he said/did something...

It generalises. Isn’t generalising bad?

So for 20 years he didn’t harras anyone (*if that's the case and no on steps up) and he’s only starting now? Ok, it could happen. Anything can happen. 

A religious belief is the latest Tim Cook rant about why he kicks people off iTunes. And yet his stance is perfectly ok... but that's about people we all agree are deplorable, after all...

So other people won’t get any ideas, that's why.

Are you stupid? Have noy not heard what happened to Gab or BitChute?

Do you know how many people the Spanish Inquisition killed in 400 years? No, you don’t. So stop with the false equivalence and stfu.

What skills does Cortez have? She doesn't even know what the branches of the government are...

Bullshit. They don’t NEED to, they WANT to.

What? Chill. She’s no Obama.

The shortcomings of the English language make for some funny retorts. In your head.

And destabilized whole regions because lives don’t matter one bit to them? Come on, Hillary is no Merkel. She’s just a trigger happy, sinister power hog.