
Macklemore sucks because he's a white straight cis male who openly acknowledges his privilege but doesn't then also choose to hide under a rock.

you're mental. miley cyrus smoking pot in AMSTERDAM where it's perfectly legal has NOTHING to do with your asthma. it's not "wrong" because you have asthma. I'm an atheist and the only thing I can think to say to you is "Jesus Christ"

I don't think that's exactly fair. Everything has the potential for someone to be allergic to it. People are allergic to peanuts, sugar, grass, dander, bees, fucking anything. There are 40 cases of people being allergic to water! That doesn't make the object inherently dangerous or worthy of being criminalized. People

To me, no. And, yes I saw the tear drop in the initial round of photos.

Muppetsexual, you say?

Noel gif party?

I feel like these jeans are designed for Vince Noir (that is if he would ever lower himself to wear jeans in the first place).

I love it.

I hear he does yoga in a park full of bear traps.

Anecdotal evidence would probably show that McInnes has personally made women unhappy.

Is he aware that they made a cartoon of him?

Off the top of my head I can think of many reasons to be unhappy in the workforce that do not involve me wanting to stay home and be domestic. Pay sucks, we're overworked and often don't get the credit we're due, and we're mostly unofficially barred from the positions where we really get to have a say in how our

Reminds me of that old joke about the mohel who saves all the foreskins and sews them into a wallet. When you rub the wallet, it turns into a suitcase.

I think i'd rather be bald.

"Say a poor woman was in court, trying to see whether she could keep custody of her child," [Washington University Researcher Sarah] Gehlert says. "Her partner's or spouse's attorney might say, 'Yes, your honor, but she has a mental disorder.' And she might not get custody of her children."

This is what you can look forward to waking up to when you adopt kittens off the street! (Meet Alan and Alda. They keep me young.)

Rousseau addresses your points in the same piece I was briefly summarizing (Discourse on Inequality). It might help to consider that Rousseau was diagnosing the trajectory of a particular culture. Specifically, he was diagnosing the emerging bourgeois society of Western Europe. And yes, the diminutization of women

Right, evolutionary psychology is a "thing." Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.