
I, too, saw the Field of Nerds, but not the gummi bear. Now that you've pointed it's sexiness out I can't unsee it, which is great.

I feel like women watch Amanda Palmer through a magnifying glass, a specialized sort that magnifies only "negative" things. I like her. Her music, for the most part, isn't my cup of tea, but her herself, I like. A lot.

This subtle, yet effective, image says everything I couldn't. Good show.

That's actually pretty cool. So, you're welcome. When one "owns it" one transcends negative association. So said the man on the mountain (which was really just a mole hill)

Oooh, this gave me some major Milk Chan and Cat Soup vibes, and that is always good. Very good.

"Tipsy" is a weak-ass word, anyway. It is for grannies and delicate men of good breeding.

Shliquored is my favored term.

She is my hero.

It's weird seeing him here, of all places, today. Cuz last night, on a whim, I put on Shaun of the Dead, and now, he's in a random red carpet picture.

Could it be some sort of knee-jerk jealousy? I am not trying to be a dick, because I wonder sometimes if that is why I dislike certain famous-types who share my gender. Like an inverted crush or something. Also, Dev Patel is SUCH a hot piece. Damn.

I've been reading some real horror stories in the comments. I've dated dicks and douche bags but never this particular sort. There's definitely time for it, though, and that disturbs me. But, apparently, this sort is relatively easy to pin down early on. How can people be this insufferable and not realize it??

Actually, I like every one you made up/listed. Take note, Jezznars.

Are you and the five other dick-bags who make up your pathetic club each allotted a feminist website to troll everyday or something? Cuz I swear, I see you, yes YOU, trolling manboobz all the time. You're all just one big lump of sadness, aren't you? I can't find it within me to feel sorry for you, though.

I just bought my very first brand NEW sofa. It's cream colored and awesome and it cost a buttload. Really, all they asked was for me to release a buttload into a basket and the deal was sealed.

Botox, etc. No magic painting. Depp is too douche for that.

That gif is the best part about this post. However fitting a gif may be with regards to the "serious" article you intend to publish, it may be wise to not pick one who's awesomeness overshadows all the flim-flam word picture thingies.

Exactly. I'm really annoyed with these particular kinds of studies for some reason. Seems like such a waste of time, and more often than not, stirs up shit in someway.

Is there no clip of that available?!?! One of SNLs utmost finest moments.

This is easily one of the single most amazing things I have ever seen. It made me laugh, and I am in NO laughing mood today.

Jerri Blank's been there, done that, 27 times over.