
Some velvet mornin when I'm STRAIGHT, bununununenuhnun

Awwww, sheeeit. I HATE these articles. They make my heart race even faster than it already does normally. I need a cigarette. No joke.

Yes, well... that's never going to happen.

I have to say, a lot of these people look like heavily made-up ghouls or goblins in tight fitting latex masks of human likenesses. That Krauthammer guy looks like a demon, he is only lacking bright crimson skin and yellow eyes and the chap sitting next to Megyn Kelly looks like a leprechaun. I don't think these people

So right on.

I like her. If I was sitting up there listening to those dipshits talk nonsense I'd have the same reaction. But I don't care for American Idol one tiny bit, so there's that.


Played em both, but FNV is my personal pick. To each their own, I guess. I live in the Mojave so, for me, it was vurrry atmospheric. Plus the music, story, locals etc. Love it.

Goddamn, everytime I see Bale I think "My nephew Alex looks JUST like him!". It's uncanny. I mean... it's really fucking weird.

Man, you must be very bored with life. I am a total nay-sayer asshole, but AHS is great.

I dislike them, oh hell yes. But when not in a committed (Somehow, barf to that too) I feel them a neccessity. They can be extremely uncomfortable, lube or not, to my innards. Plus the smell. Plus the look. And yeah, the "fumbling". Oh, and the leftovers. It is like something from an H R Giger painting everytime. In

She's awesome, I adore her. She's Tha Best.

What the fuck are you talking about!? "He is Vigo!"

I was a combo of basket-case and criminal. I get by, have an okay life. But I love to draw and love/hate drugs. I really have to credit being a mom with keeping me from spinning totally off the rails, but I fear when he becomes a teenager I will snap. Dread to think of me living in a trailer, drunk and high on pills

That movie is burned in my brain.

That didn't happen to me, no tearing or cutting. And in my personal experience, the pushing the baby out part was insane, scary etc, but the tremendous pain seemed to flow away when I pushed. When they told me I COULDN'T push I yelled "Whyyy?". But all those contractions, words cannot describe. 13 hours of that (I


I just found out. I came back here to bitch about the lazy misinformation. And Taft is a good ways longer than 15 mins outside Bakersfield. Goddamn. What the fuck is going on with the world?

Jesus christ! I just read about a shooting in desert armpit town, Taft, and then this about Bakersfield? I'm somewhere inbetwixt these two, my son is at school. I have to say I am kind of fucking scared.

Well, I expect it's different for every individual. I could sit here and say "I would be out for blood! I'd hunt them down and ritualistically rip off their balls" and other suchness. I could also think more like "What's done is done, it is all part of the natural flow of time and space."