
You're awesome and I love you for saying all of this. I get to angry when replying to stupid comments, so thank you for doing it for all folks who share my short fuse.

Sir, there is nothing wrong with this comment whatsoever. I won't be picking it apart bit by bit like some others have. The only thing is this; all of the things you've mentioned above should be fought for/supported, but not under anything called ot having to do with "MRA", because they have hijacked that acronym and

Because she's the one who commited suicide. But yeah, I would like to hear more from the nurse who did the actual divulging. Then again, maybe she wants nothing whatsoever to do with making herself a public figure for ridicule etc.

Let me clarify: They better have the bit with Beorn and it better be caringly, faithfully and nicely done.

My Mummy and Eye are gonna see this. I grew up with her reading The Hobbit to me, she's been a fan since she was 12. As for me, I like to read it every September before beddy-byes, with some Sleepy Time tea and patchouli incense burning. I have continued this tradition by reading it to my son sometimes. It is (almost)

I... I love her.

Goddamn I feel lucky. I have no known allergies. I mean, aside from those commonly experienced by humans globally. Like, bee stings and such. My mother has allergies to all melons, cucumbers, avocado and some other delicious things I can't remember. It is a total bummer. I imagine it must really suck to smell

Hey, dude, I only shove it in someone's face when provoked. And lately, there has been a lot of provoking going on. The internet is, unfortunately, a rancid cess pool for ridiculous opinion and it seems to me to feed the fires of female/male relations in the real world. It is leaking out of the forums and into the

I see no problemo with the Bencio del Toro holding a naked lass picture whatsoever, certainly not implied necrophilia, or whatever. Come ON, people, pleeeeease.

I tittered at the hangers and then at this. Thank you.

Fuck yes. Amazing.

Heh, that's pretty damn good.

I don't like monkeys. I mean, they should be treated well and all that, but monkeys and most other primates really put me off. They disturb me when they grin and they can be mean motherfuckers. Plus, dressing your monkey up in such a coat is just... wow.

Those are dumb. They look like an upside down heart. Would be better if they were available in various fleshtones and had pubes painted on or something. I would definitely buy those.

Better than gossip, this is a preemtive strike. Also, upon reading this, I was all "Noooooo!". I love those two. If they split up, love will die.

That looks like Tori Amos. And fuck those dudes in the ear.

Maybe a semi-colon after Ri-Ri would have made it more coherent. Or is it just plain old colon? I am always so confused by those two. Me no good at grammars.

Round and round it goes! When I read comments regarding this opinion infinitum I hear the static and chatter from fugazi's "the argument" song.

That was a delightful article. So spot on.

Last night I watched all of season 1 on netflix. Halfway in I said "WHY am I watching this shit?", but I just couldn't stop. I was getting rather annoyed with certain characters not speaking up about various things because of integrity or some other such nonsense. I was yelling at the TV. I was shaking my head,