
I kind of agree, but these guys have a storied history of taking things that just aren't supposed to work and making them work. The premise is terrible, though.

Ooooh, Sam's gonna get down and dirty this week. And I can't wait to return to the alternate universe in Fringe. Friday should be today.

That's definitely one way to do it!

The lack of promoting ability is super super grating.

I'm still mourning the loss of io9's cyberpunk pink pony. Change sucks. :(

My friend found the job on craigslist, to tell you the truth. Everyone who works there is a frustrated writer looking for a better job. His real vocation is music, but the band hasn't taken off yet, outside of Montreal.

I have a buddy who writes porn for a living. (This is true!) An idea for a script inspired by this episode: a bunch of scared, scantily clad virgins are trapped in a scary-looking steel cage, all brought there by a hungry dragon. They all figure out that they are there only because they are Savin' It, and realize the

Spoilers for Season five in this comment, so look away! all ye who are not caught up yet.

Holy balls that is some spicy sacrilege.

It gets better as it goes on, in my opinion. Season two is much better than season one, and it just gets better and better and season five will probably make you want to have sex with someone/thing.

@jokesonyoohoo: They couldn't have made the dude really ugly? Like, really, really ugly?

Huzzah! Is that right?

Aw, no Supernatural recap?

I think we should spread the word that The Situation is 40. I can't think of a better way to bring him down.

Oh god, that episode is just too too much. Too much, I tell you!!

Not to mention Casanova with David Ten-Inch. That was brilliant.

I don't care, I still love 'em. I cry every time I watch Innocence and Surprise, Amends, and The Prom. Bangel 4eva! Except not actually, because they're pretty much the most star-crossed of any star-crossed lovers since Shakespeare!

He looks so, so young. In about ten years, when he's grown into his face, maybe, but until then, holy crap, stop posting about Bieber, because it makes me feel old.