
@Copasetik: He frakking started that bandwagon. Seriously unacceptable.


That's some serious May-December shit going on there. Klein should trade tips with Hefner.

But the real question is: did she try to jazz up her wardrobe first?

I'd give my left foot to see Jo come back to Supernatural, in any capacity.

@serenada: I agree. I think I had a Sam as Pizza Man dream last night.

@8x10: Spoken like a dude.

hoh my god BOOBS

@HoyaGoon18: Its cool, I wanted to be Big Bird when I was five. I have not yet abandoned the dream.

Wow. The best part is that her parents will now be able to be a part of their granddaughter's life. I'm praying for this family to hold on to their happiness.

Victoria "this tampon makes me look fat" Beckham.

God, what's the hold up?

@n3onkn1ght: Season six is one of my favorites. Actual drama ftw.

The guy playing Magneto looks a lot like a younger James Callis.

@Bigdamnhero: Yeah, they're definitely laying it on thick with the suck lately.

Ugh, that's totally a middle school policy. Some brain-dead administrators actually think this is a good idea in a high school?

Thanks for writing and posting this, MoGlo. I'm gonna share it on facebook.

@agsine: How could I have forgotten her?