
@ceti: RUFUS SEWELL???!?

@rek: Say what you will, but I'm pumped for Piranhas 3DD.

I saw Black Swan in theaters yesterday, and during the Portman/Kunis love scene, an elderly woman sitting next to me audibly said "disgusting!".

I'd hit that.

@vamusical: Yeah, she was a loving presence, if a bit of a stage mother. And she genuinely had Nina's best interest at heart.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Exhibit A: This Boy's Life. That's a case of pure evil in a patriarchal figure, if I ever saw one.

@cantankasaurus rex: Marry Obama, because, well, obviously, Fuck Sarkosy because I want to see why Carla Bruni likes him so much, and kill Putin because he's a scary bastard who likes to kill journalists, and wears his pants way too high.

@carlosmachina: That's possibly the best counterterrorism measure I've ever heard.


I just realized who Sam Witwer is, and I'm kind of feeling squicked out. He was the wannabe serial killer on Dexter, man! The guy who taxi-dermied animals and buried his mom!

I'm actually quite impressed that Ashwariya refuses to endorse skin-lightening products. Kareena Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan (and Deepika Paduone? I swear I saw her do an ad for a cream) are all knee-deep in this "fairness" bullshit.

@badmutha: Seems you're a goodmutha!

Where's the controversy? Aniston hasn't made a good film since Office Space*. Why is she still considered A-List?

My dad's philosophy is that one is a bad driver if one has to use the brakes.

Yeah, until he becomes the king. Sorry mate, but its actually physically impossible for a king to wipe his own arse. England will sink into the sea or something.