Xander, you're making me feel all tingly inside.
Xander, you're making me feel all tingly inside.
@akuma_619: Them's fighting words!
@transitnap: Ugh, what movie is that from?
One of the reasons I adore this show is because it predictably and awesomely has an awesome twist every five minutes. A girl was raped! Oh wait, it was consensual! Oh wait, it might have been her father! Oh my god, she's a carnie! And she's a pro-life activist who was pregnant! And now Dann Florek is holding a…
Since when does the military ask its service people when instituting policy? Isn't it... a hierarchical system? Isn't that the point of the military?
Goddammit, I hope this isn't going to delay the trial any longer.
The huge underground mall in Montreal really isn't that huge, you guys.
I wouldn't do this unless I was literally starving. Seriously, there's a reason my apartment is so gross; I fucking hate cleaning. I will whore myself out before I clean someone else's apartment.
@kbrook: That's insane. That can't be legal.
@fatmonalisa: Not true. You can see what they post, but they can't see what you post.
@CherylTelemachus: Christians aren't inherently oppressive towards atheists. Some are, but a lot aren't. So why go after the beliefs of any? Aren't we just asking for a respect of our own personal (lack of) beliefs?
@CrackedEg: If one third of men in a nation are rapists, maybe that does implicate an entire nation, as there is obviously a pretty rampant rape culture there.
@jemandtheholograms: Hahaha... what?
He was just doing his job, you guys. He was an analrapist.
@botanicidal: You sure can!
@MissBuckyC: Holy shit. Did he have a nick-name?
@Xerendian: What does it mean?
@stolen_pillow: Brilliant.