RIP, Ingrid. I've never heard of a five year old surviving a Nazi concentration camp. How the hell did that happen?
RIP, Ingrid. I've never heard of a five year old surviving a Nazi concentration camp. How the hell did that happen?
So going to get this for the boyfriend... would make a beautiful stocking stuffer.
@RedLantern: Yeah, she's a loving mother, but is deeply fucked up herself, and has a super unhealthy relationship with Linds. Kind of like my relationship with my mother, but we're not famous, so no one knows about it.
@AgainWithFeeling: I had a wonderful, wonderful high school teacher who went to Choate on scholarship. And being from CT, I know a ton of prep school kids who may be rich and entitled, but really are sweethearts at the core. There's a lot wrong with elite high schools in this country, but I hope people aren't going to…
@Carlos Giron: And then in college, you'd be lucky to get a female professor once a year.
@marciax3: The best revenge is living well. Don't let that jerkoff (haha... unintentional, I promise) control your life, because that's what he wants, to control someone, since he thinks he doesn't have any control in his life. Don't give the bastard the satisfaction of ruining your life just because his is so…
@SusanDeath: Haha, that's AWESOME. I just... holy shit, that would be so painful. You'd probably get into a whole boatload of legal trouble for that, but it seems ethically sound to me.
@Irin Carmon: Yeah, thanks for taking one for the team.
@Kajj: ?
@tessa: Oh, you are.
She should be getting awards, not being punished like this. Fucking ridiculous.
Why can't they make a film in the Buffyverse, instead of revisiting the source material so soon? At least there were tons of spin-offs and movies and at least a few decades between Shatner's Kirk and the Star Trek reboot. Its been seven years since Buffy has gone off the air. The creator is still making a canon…
@EaterLover: Oh god, that's more disturbing than a Bella and Edward tattoo.
@amaya57: I would totally see a Faith movie. What's Eliza Dushku doing now, anyways?
I always got the impression that Boreanaz was trying to distance himself from the whole Buffyverse. Don't know where that came from, seeing as how he ended up carrying a five season spin-off, but he just seemed to embrace Booth so much more than he did Angel.
@JesusDeSaad: The Whed was being sarcastic, Mr. Grouchy-Pants. Calm down.
So not surprised. This is just the same old shit that happens everywhere, although this is a particularly egregious example.
@stalking_goat: If they have any sense, they'll stay the fuck away from Comic-Con, or any place where Buffy fans congregate.
@dragonfliet: Obvious troll is obvious.