
Fuck OFF Taylor. You are the same bloody age as Rhianna, and she acts about fifty times more adult than you.

@CandyBacon: Words right out of my mouth.

The trick is to go to bed after Weekend Update. You can probably go to bed before Weekend Update — Seth Meyers is really sucking up the place recently.

Well, I just watched Silence of the Lambs, and am now kind of concerned that people will be able to smell my bajingo. Excuse me while I go bathe my nether regions.

@notafeministbut: I hate that logic so much... if you win, too bad, you've already lost.

Man, MoGlo, your work today has been so good that ... I kind of want to have sexual relations with your vagina.

Sexy vampires on motorcycles? Its been done.

MoGlo, its gonna be a good day.

@UUsprite: Geisha. Gawker said it wasn't racist, so you're good.

So.... the fact that Beck's book is not #1 means that the Left has won.

@clairedeloony: I need to fucking pull my boyfriend off of fad diets. He did Atkins in high school, lost a ton of weight, and he's been blaming himself ever since for putting the weight back on.

@sarasasa: See, that's a point of view I genuinely don't feel is articulated very often here.

@sarasasa: Well, awesome. Jez is a big place, sometimes you miss some things.

@Feralhousecat: It is, but at the same time, I feel like the mainpage posts send a mixed message about what is acceptable self-acceptance. If Christina Hendricks wants to lose weight for whatever reason, must we assume its because she is bowing to the pressure of the thin=beautiful culture? Can't it be her choice? If

@Chartreusie: Well, I just thought that since there was a general rule of "no diet talk" on Jezebel, that people might turn to other, less healthy sources of information.