C'mon... a civilization that can still fuck is always going to be able to find something to do...
C'mon... a civilization that can still fuck is always going to be able to find something to do...
@thesourabh: New Caprica, more like it.
@Mizri: hahaha... Good point.
Wow, you're leaving??! Hortense, I friggen love you. You should know that.
@variousentry: I highly doubt that is true.
@hughman: I feel like his views have changed since then, from what I've heard.
Fiddy was being hetero-normative, not homophobic. There can be a debate about how the two are related, but I mean, it feels disingenuous to call that gay-bashing.
@KillMeNow is making an omelet with fried eggs: They're not supposed to be working class, by any means. They're definitely in the upper middle class.
Hey, wasn't Gabourey Sidibe going to be on the show? I remember hearing something like that earlier. That would kind of make my life.
Fuck Harper. Fucking Bush-lite.
That's fucked up. I want to poop MORE, not LESS. I'm going to start pooping naked.
@palegirl: I think that is basically Anne Frank's Diary. And then when you're a little older, you read Night, and Maus, and all of that.
@englishbreakfasttasteslikedarj...: That fucking is disturbing. We didn't have to tackle that until we were juniors in high school.
@AGirlFromIpanema: I live to serve!
@MelissaMahoney Misses MizJenkins: Don't know if I'll ever make it to Auschwitz. I break down into tears if I think about the last half of Schindler's List.
@palegirl: Yes! Number the Stars! Awesome book!!
@littlesickle: I read the diary in elementary school, and after reading it, I developed a serious obsession with Anne Frank. I started doing a lot of reading on WWII (also was a big fan of Molly, the American Girl.... sigh) and eventually the Holocaust. Which then lead me, at the age of nine, to a book which…
I love jokes that you have to think about a little before they make you lose bowel control because they are so funny. Kudos to the pro-life joker.
I think its possible to say that a) bullies can drive a person to commit suicide and b) bullies who do this are not guilty of murder, unless they give the traumatize person a gun, or suggest that they off themselves.
@quarky1: Its just cool when someone buys you shit. So long as they let you return the favor. Or, well, not, if you're as broke as I am.