Because nobody has children at age 19?
Because nobody has children at age 19?
No problem. It’s worth mentioning that they had the online launch first. So I assume they will focus more on getting people’s attention online than on actual newsstands, and then people subscribe & get it delivered.
I assume that it will depend on the country. You do know that “Arabia” isn’t a country, right? there’s a big difference between something like Saudi Arabia and morroco.
I assume they interrogated them and with the whole cult thingy people were unlikely to have the guts to do it. Plus, they likely would be terrified of ending up pregnant (and have little idea of how to avoid it without getting the condoms).
After getting loans and inheriting from your super rich daddy.
I assume she already has the curling iron after years of doing that. And I don’t think selling a likely years old curling iron would bring a lot of money.
There are no real rules for lead vs. supporting so it’s a studio decision and people often talk about “category fraud”. It is, however, also not something that is very easy or clear to decide. You could argue, for example, that if viola Davis character had been a man as well, nobody would have been surprised that her…
Yes, that’s exactly what I thought! Or, like making a salad sauce. Or, how much oil do I add to hummus. I feel like whoever wrote that tweet doesn’t have a healthy relationship with food.
That’s kind of the whole point of this article- that they don’t really have one, respectively are way to ambitious hoping that somehow become big & popular will eventually turn them profitable. And it worked with some companies (amazon) and others it didn’t and they ended up becoming worthless after being really…
They are extremely popular because they are cheap. They are not making a profit because they are cheap. if I sell something for half the price than other do, my products/services are likely to be very popular. But I also will li,key not be able to make a profit, because other prices were likely higher for a reason.
It doesn’t have to but it would also be wrong to say that they never have a historical or social or cultural relevance.
Well, he raped his first wife according to her own book and there is a story that he hit one of his son when the son was at university because the son wasn’t wearing a suit but a jersey to some kind of sports game, so I don’t doubt that he is in some way physically abusive towards Melania.
Well, things like accidents or mental illnesses or addiction can change people, but in normal circumstances normal people don’t suddenly become horrible abusers. They might cheat or something, but usually they don’t become abusers.
While having anxieties about the future is normal, I am wondering if there is a reason you have them. While a divorce with kids involved usually is kind of difficult, Robin thicke and Paula pattons situation is definitely not normal, so I feel like you worrying about ending up like them might be because maybe you are…
Well not matter in the way that she still got the job, but it did matter in the way that it brought a lot of unwelcome criticism and attention her way and the republicans way which will make her job harder and did make (and will make) republicans jobs harder. I bet a lot of them are pissed at her for being so…
The Japanese have a feline station master and I think the americans a honorary major. But those are kind of silly in my opinion, i like that the British one is really about them being cats &a honoring that , not pretending they are something they are not.
I don’t think Trump realized that, I think somebody else did and suggested active guys to Trump without telling him why & Trump chose one and felt he had a win because somebody didn’t refuse without realizing why he didn’t refuse. And everybody in his circle hopes fox & friends don’t mention this fact while he’s…
But then why didn’t she do her homework better before the hearings & why did she plagiarize so blatantly? if she had appeared even a bit competent she would have not gotten as much bad press & would not be under as much scrutiny which would make it easier to achieve her goals....maybe she is not a complete idiot but…
Do you know about the British governement cats? They don’t belong to the leaders but rather to the buildings/departments. There’s one for the pm residence but also a few others.
Well, again, people usually don’t buy a national historic landmark if they don’t like the style.