
Do you seriously believe the Russian police doesn’t kill people all the time? Here is what the economist wrote about them:”THEY shoot, beat and torture civilians, confiscate businesses and take hostages. They are feared and distrusted by two-thirds of the country. But they are not foreign occupiers, mercenaries or

I doubt that with Hitler but Mussolini wasn’t antisemitic, but that didn’t matter much for the Jewish Italians once he had decided to become besties with Hitler.

Have a female lead & lots of people of colour. They were already pissed at the force awakens & complaining that all Star Wars movies had female leads now & what about the poor men who will never again be the lead.... though the next movie was already long announced as the Han Solo one.

No, it’s just an exaggeration.

Yeah, Mussolini wasn’t really antisemitic (he had a Jewish mistress & supporters) but that didn’t help the Jewish Italians after he decided to become besties with Hitler.

So they overlooked both the diplomatic and then that the passport itself stated that he served as a prime minister? And then it took them a 20 min. Interview to clear that? That is not a good excuse. At all.

And someone is paying for Betsy devos support letters!

According to him, not only was he traveling on a diplomatic passport, his passport also made it clear that he was the former PM. So, while you might not be able to pick him out of a crowd, you should be able to pick out his passport.

Just for those that might not know: der Spiegel is one of europes oldest, biggest and most respected weekly news magazines. This isn’t something small or niche, but this is the establishment.

A bill to sell public land was killed. Then there are all the sanctuary cities and lawsuits, the people who got released and are now together again with their families......

Well, Duterte said himself that innocents have been killed:Webb asked the President if he believes no innocent people are killed in the government’s intensified war on drugs.

Just don’t complain when they don’t put you onto the official schedule. Or when some journos and buyers don’t show up because they couldn’t be in two places at the same time. Or when they show up but are already annoyed because they are missing another important show.

Well, not competent to consent since that would include respecting if we don’t want to consent.

Plus, even planned pregnancies end in abortions sometimes due to health issues.

Firstly, all the contraception methods fail sometimes. Secondly, rape. Thirdly, unexpected health issues, both with mother and baby. Fourthly, your circumstances just changed very quickly. Like, maybe someone in your family just got diagnosed with an illness or had an accident and now you don’t have the time and money

Lots of possibilities:

I am an atheist but I really respect people like you. I hope that despite everything you are able to take comfort and strength from your beliefs and use that strength to fight. while you might not see yourself reflected in your church anymore, I know that there are other communities out there, whether it is another

that is kind of my internal monologue. I hope both I and your father can fix ourselves and fight for a better future.

The final solution also wasn’t the plan yet in 1933 and at that time a lot of people likely wouldn’t have gotten along with it that had no problems with it later. It was something that became imaginable for many only because of a gradual escalation and accustoming to violence and hate. From the gradual exclusion and

I think this makes more sense when they are dead and the money doesn’t go to them anymore.