
The very existence of billionaires is an example of how our government and economic systems have failed.

I mean, holy shit, taking the fucking archives offline is brutal. There were incredibly valuable newsworthy things on that site, and now the only way people can access them is to go trawling through Archive.org and hope that the site captured the article at issue.

this is awful advice and something a terrible person would do

Well. I can say as a formerly beautiful woman that there is SOME truth in what she’s saying, but it’s also very ignorant. I get treated much, much differently now by the kind of men I’d actually want to date. Men who shower, have jobs, treat people with (some) respect and aren’t complete creeps mostly just see through

I’m a woman and I’ve never -to my knowledge- been sexually harassed, raped, or sexually assaulted. I know how other women get all sensitive about hearing this, but I chalk it up to being ugly, physically intimidating, and staying away from men that aren’t my father or brother.

I’ve been fat and unattractive for most of my adult life, and I’ve never been subjected to unwanted sexual advances at work. (I have been catcalled, and I’ve experienced other forms of sexism in the workplace.) Now correlation does not equal causation, so I don’t know whether it’s my appearance or resting bitch face

We recently moved from New York to Dallas, TX and the Furkot site https://trips.furkot.com was awesome. You enter your origin and destination, the number of maximum number of miles you want to drive per day, how large your gas tank is and what mileage you typically get, how long each rest stop will be (and how often)

Police can force you to use your fingerprint to unlock your phone, if your phone has that feature. Police can’t force you to enter a pin unlock to unlock your phone. But if you pin unlock the phone to show the police your proof of insurance, then the phone is now unlocked, so police would have a much easier time

One of the C-level execs at work drives one. As far as he is concerned, it’s a car that gets him from point A to point B reliably and cheaply. He could afford much more but what is the point? Showing off to random strangers when sitting in standstill traffic?

Obvious only to those looking to be upset. They took away color in a gesture to LGBT community. That is it.

Except they haven’t used the term White Pride anywhere. I can’t even see that they’ve called them white skittles. They’ve just stated they have given up their rainbow for Pride. Only people looking for a reason to be offended have latched onto the White Pride thing...

Skittles does not call them “White Pride”. If they did I would sue them. I have the phrase “White Pride” trademarked. White Pride is the nickname I have for my penis.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say you’re not a science major, either. I said the LIGHT spectrum. Mixing light is not the same as mixing paint colors. Checkmate.

Only in America, could people find white coloured candy racist. This is incredible. Just having any inanimate object the colour white is now offensive? I personally find the colour of my toilet and the accompanying paper offensive. One thing that I find especially racist is Greek yogurt and cream. I’ll never forget

Has anyone ever bitten a Skittle in half? I realise that generally they just get dumped into the mouth with a funnel, but if you bit into one, the mixture of sugar, thickeners and flavourings inside the crispy shell is a white, uncoloured paste. So Skittles are basically white sugary paste painted different colours

Its not like we can see behind us.

Building a relationship comes from trust and tolerance. If you’re not a very trusting person, or if you’re a “this isn’t working the first time so hell with it” person, relationships can be difficult to develop.

The next time you find a date, instead of cutting him off, force yourself into a few extra dates. Guys don’t


Ah, so you’re one of them bootstraps type of people. My god, two jobs and run a business? You must be a real bore in life, always working... If that claim is even true.

If that is not an option and you have exhausted all others, then quit.