
...so they only ever buy anything from people that are Vegan? Like, if they want a piano or a television, they manage to find one where the owners of the company are vegans?

“There are moral and ethical implications involved with the killing of animals”

But not, apparently, murder and death threats against human beings. Those are A-OK!

That’s an excellent point. Personally, I do believe that are ethical ways of being a meat-eater, and it sounds like these people are doing that. Besides, even if they do eat meat, their restaurants are still providing a worthwhile service for people who choose to abstain from all animal products.

Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that

“I can’t be like you, telling a lie. I can’t love someone without telling them,”

When Grandma was younger, she worked at the Gap. They had a big ass poster of a celebrity wearing a sheer Gap shirt that showed it all. When Grandma pointed out that you could see the celeb’s “nipples,” I was taken aside and reprimanded by the store manager. Exsqueeze me? I said. We can show big ass nipples but we

Plot twist: it was because she was saying vagina when she meant vulva.

I’ve heard cupcake. Fucking CUPCAKE!

The stupidest thing about this particular instance of censorship is that the teacher is speaking about the artwork and the anatomy in the only proper way. She’s right- comparing O’Keefe’s work to “ladybits” or “peepees” or whatever is diminishing of both the art and of women in general and the girls in the class. It

good for her. I am going into art teaching and I am pretty sure that I will talk about vaginas at some point. You can’t really avoid the fact that art is full of sex. and politics. things you are not supposed to be talking about in public schools.

I suggest we all send O’Keefe postcards to this school, with nothing but the word “vagina” written on them.

For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.


I wonder if you’re allowed to ask to go to the bathroom? That does indirectly refer to parts that may or may not be used to sex. What if a girl has her period and need a tampon? Holy hell!

Oh man, seven whole years! FCC, you’re totally cracking down on them, aren’t ya?

Right?!!?!?! How can you go your whole life without knowing what your anatomy looks like?

I’m Duchess Crazy Linda and i’m here to say:

I saw a documentary once that found that many women go their whole lives without ever seeing their own lady parts.

I personally think vagina lips are super awesome! I think we need someone the kids like these days to sing about how they love their lips as is & make it a trend.