
Because he doesn’t say Equality in golf clubs has ruined golf... He is giving the view that less women are likely to take it up and join the top Golf Clubs because of cost and cost effectiveness. It also means directly competing with men which is not fair on either gender.

Actually scout makes u run faster.

He’s right. I would much rather watch the women’s tournament where the #1 seeds beat everyone else 115-35. LAY UPS! BACKDOOR CUTS! FLAT FOOTED PERIMETER SHOOTING! Much better entertainment value.

“If you talk about women’s basketball being superior to men’s, that’s a slam dunk ... wait, wrong choice of words.”

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.

Strange, she's taken so little punishment in the octagon, she shouldn't be manifesting CTE or dementia pugilistica at this stage.

"Denmark, Dude"

Oh boy.

Exactly, that's what intrigues me. Definitely sounds more like a game show or like a sporting event or reality show or something than just a straight up video game, and that's what makes it intriguing

There are two things I hate in life: ironic covers to hip hop songs and ukeleles. So I think I'll just stay away from this guy.

Call me crazy, but perhaps the lady standing on the side of a two lane road, in the middle of a dark light condition snow storm, shining a blaring white light, might cause just a little distraction for drivers on the road. Just a thought.

As someone said online in the comment section somewhere, the gist of it was "If someone has to call out their employer and the employer ends up responding to it in public, that employee won't be there long.

you really think some kid who's getting surprised with NFL playoff tickets needs some stranger to buy him a video game? why don't you bring some food to a homeless shelter or something...

Apparently you've never heard a HHH promo.

Luke Donald: [to caddy] Did you see that huge monkey?

Giffin: That kid was back here again...

Scut Farkus hasn't aged a bit since Ralphie beat him down.

Keith Law just got suspended another three days.

People can say what they want about Balloon Boy's dad, but at least he didn't wear sweaters like a cape.